Igneous Rocks (9th Grade)
designed by: 
Zazil Boyle


Student name:_________________         Period:______________      Due date______________

Section I : C                                                                                                                         65 points

1.      Flash cards: create flash cards using the following words-Intrusive Extrusive, Hypabyssal, basaltic, composition, Igneous, Texture,                          10 pts 

2.      Listen to each lesson and take notes                                                                             25 pts    

Igneous rocks (5 points)

How are igneous rocks formed? (5 points)

Types of Igneous rocks. (5 points)

Intrusive Igneous rocks. (5points)

Extrusive Igneous rocks. (5 points)

3.      Read text book chapter 7 Igneous rocks and complete study guide                            10 pts  


4.      Video:  What are Igneous Rocks?: Watch the video and write a summary                10 pts

of the video.

5.      Art Poster: My Favorite Igneous Rock:  create poster of your favorite                      10 pts.

Igneous rock.  Include pictures, information, details of formation and structure.     

6.      Presentation:  Make a poster board about the different igneous rocks with               10 pts.

detail and present it to the class orally. (include pictures, details)

7.      Lab Practical: Igneous rock identification (1-10) Identify which rock is an              20pts. igneous and complete answer key worksheet. (10 pts.)

Lab Practical:  Igneous rock identification (11-20) Identify what type of                  

igneous rock it is and complete answer key worksheet. (10 pts.)

8.      Write a paragraph on one of the ways igneous rocks are formed in a language        10 pts.

other than English.

9.      Worksheets: Rocks Multiple Choice and Rocks Matching.  Complete the two          10 pts.


10.   Web site activity:  Go online and find an article on igneous rocks.  Write a           10 pts.

 summary of the article.



Section II:  B Layer Labs                     Choose only one                                                    15 points

1.      Research Project: identify an engineering design (bridge, tunnel or building) and research some of the issues its engineers would have needed to know about the rocks underlying the structure.  Write a report describing the structure, the rock formations under it, and the any risks to the environment from the development of the structure.

2.      Decide on three igneous rocks you would like to learn more about.  Diagram how each of the three igneous rocks forms. 

3.      Diagram the rock cycle.  Explain what the diagram shows.

4.      How are intrusive and extrusive rocks different?




Section III:  A Layer                             Choose only one                                                    20 points

1.      What are igneous rocks used for? Are they used in your home, materials, buildings etc.?

2.      How are igneous rocks a value to the scientist?

3.      Where in Texas can you find igneous rock? Name the type of igneous rock it is.



40-55= D                   56-70= C             71-85= B             86+ = A    



_________________________________                               ___________________________


Parent signature/date                                                               contact phone#


(Signature and phone worth 5 points in level “C”)