Choose 50 points in this section
before moving on to the next level.
___ Complete a map of the southern region. For each state label: the capital, and 2 other cities.
(10 points) ___ /___
___ Make a mini poster with 3-4 of each states’ major products and 3-4 major industries. Make sure
your map has a title and key. ( 10 points) ___ /___
___ Make a list of 3-5 famous people from each state. Tell why they are famous, and what city or
town he/she is from. ( 10 points) ___ /___
___ Make a mini book of 2-3 tourist attractions in each state. Write 2-3 ( 10 points) ___ /___
___ Print or draw the state flower of each state and make a poster. Be able to tell Mrs. Stuart the
name of each flower without looking. ( 10 points) ___ /___
___ Find the state bird for each state. Print or draw a picture and make a collage. Be able to tell Mrs.
Stuart the name of each bird without looking.( 10 points) ___ /___
___ Make a list of the states’ populations in order from greatest to least.( 5 points) ___ /___
___ Make a states and capitals quiz with an answer sheet. Have another student complete it, then
grade it. ( 10 points) ___ /___
___Complete a student made states and capitals quiz. ( 5 points) ___ /___
___ Make states and capitals flash cards. Study them. Be prepared: If given the state, you need to
know the capital. If given the capital you need to know the state. Ask Mrs. Stuart to quiz you.
( 10 points) ___ /___
___ List the square miles of each state in order from least to greatest. ( 5 points ) ___ /___
___ Take Mrs. Stuart’s south region states and capitals quiz. ( 10 points ) ___ / ___
___ Make a statehood time line. Include the state name, the state capital, and the exact date it was
admitted to the Union. For example: Kentucky became a state on June 1, 1792. The capital
of Kentucky is Frankfort. ( 10 points ) ___ / ___
Choose 2 activities in this section for a total of 40 points, before moving on to the next level. Each activity is worth 20 points.
___ Using friendly letter format write to Mrs. Stuart. In your letter tell her about the southern
region. Why should she visit? What should she stop and see along the way?
What are some interesting facts about the region? Be as detailed and specific as possible.
___ Create a travel poster for each
state. Make us want to visit. Use lots of details and
Include tourist attractions, and yummy food (specific to each state) that can’t be missed.
For example if your poster is about Maine you may want to include Acadia National Park
and lobster or potatoes.
___ Find an online newspaper or magazine article about each state in the region. Cut out the articles,
write a brief summary about each one. Make a book. Be sure the book has an eye catching cover.
___ Complete a Mystery State quiz for each state.
___ Create a game all about the south. Include directions and all necessary game pieces. Play your
game with Mrs. Stuart.
___ Make a recipe book of southern food. Try to find at least one recipe specific to each state in the
southern region. Make sure to include a picture, where you found the recipe, and who created
the dish first (if possible). Put all your recipes into a cook book, bind the pages, and create an
interesting cover and title.
___ The south is FULL of ghost stories. Research 2-3 of ghost stories from each state. Make a
poster about the most believable ones. Be prepared to defend your selections. What is the history
behind each story? Why do you believe it? Write a small summary for each story and include it
on your poster.
___ Make a slide show about animals native to the southern region. Use one slide for each state. On
each slide include: state name, 1-2 animals, 2-3 facts about each animal, and a picture of each
animal. Be prepared to present and tell about each animal without looking at your slides.
___ Make a trading card for each state in the region. Include a mini map with the state name and
capital, a mini state flag, state bird, state flower, a tourist attraction, and one famous person. ___ Complete a place mat for each of the southern states. See Mrs. Stuart for the blank copies.
Choose one activity from this section to reach the exemplary level.
___ Write a short story about each
state. The genre is your choice, but any state information
MUST be accurate.
___ Write a song about the states in the southern region. Use Garage Band and include music.
___ Write a poem about each state. Illustrate each poem using drawn or printed pictures. Make a
___ Create a journal about an imaginary trip you took though the south. Tell about the
route you took, the places you visited, what cities or town you stopped in each night, how many
miles you traveled each day, anything unique you saw in each state. Include pictures or drawings
to make each entry more realistic.
___ Create a Mystery State Quiz for each state in the region. Have 5 classmates take each Mystery
State Quiz you created. Then ask your classmates for 2 stars (positive comments), and a wish
(constructive/helpful comments) about each quiz. Make any improvements you think you need,
based on your friends input. Then see if you can trick Mrs. Stuart with your revised Mystery
___ Create a slide show about the states in the southern region. Use important information you think
every child should know about each state. Present your slide show to a second or third grade
class. Include pictures, sound, and unique slide transitions. Practice and schedule your
presentation with Mrs. Stuart.
___ Find an old southern recipe. Make that dish for the class. Be prepared to tell us how you did it
why you chose that recipe, and where the recipe originated.
___ Many great singers and song writers came from the south, and many types of music began there.
Do some research and find out all you can about the singers, song writers, musicians and music
of the south. Make a documentary CD. Include one person, or song style from each state. Provide
us examples of the music. Use iTunes or the iPad to download songs and make us a CD. Record
your information and music on the CD and play it for the class. Be prepared for TONS of
___ Compare the Southern Region to the Northeast Region. Complete a Venn diagram that tells how
the regions are alike, and how they are different. Make your Venn diagram unique by using color,
pictures, and specific information/details about each region. Then create a web page for our class
web site that highlights the information from your Venn diagram. Tell the readers which region
you would prefer to live in and why. Do a rough draft of your site first, then have Mrs. Stuart do
an edit. When everything is edited and ready, Mrs. Stuart will give you access to the web site so
you can publish your work. (A Venn diagram can be done using Pages.)