Cell Processes Unit

Jamie Brunmeier
Thomas Jefferson Charter School

Work Dates: _Mon. 10/12 –Fri. 11/6; Test Date: _Fri. 10/16

C Layer Activities: knowledge & comprehension

Students must earn at least 80 points to receive a “C” grade for this unit. You MUST complete activities with a “*”.





Assignment Description Date Due Teacher


15   **Listen to lecture on photosynthesis and take notes.  Mon. 10/12  
15   **Listen to lecture on cell respiration and take notes. Wed. 10/14  
20   **Define and know the vocabulary: ATP, cellular respiration, entropy, metabolism, photosynthesis, thermodynamics, Calvin cycle, NADP+, stroma, thylakoids, aerobic process, anaerobic process, fermentation, glycolysis, Krebs cycle    
15   Do the Chp 8 review (pg. 237) questions 1-37      
15   Rewrite Section Objectives as questions and answer them (T Notes) for section 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3.    
5   Visit biologygmp.com, access the vocabulary puzzler maker for chapter 8 and create an online vocab. X word using all the vocabulary listed above.    
5   Create a Venn diagram for Calvin cycle vs. Krebs Cycle (7-3-7)     
5   Draw a picture of what entropy means.    
5   Write a song that summarizes the chapter.  Include at least 10 new facts and perform it for at least 2 people.     
5   Explain how the function of ATP is in a cell is like that of a battery in a car. (OD).    
5   Explain the chemical equation for photosynthesis 6CO2+6H2O = C6H1206+6O2 (see pg 222-OD).    
5   Energy Expenditure – explain and show (through a simple exercise- like opening and closing a clothespin for one minute) is like other biological processes from this unit (OD).    
5   Make a table that compares the modes of anaerobic respiration to aerobic respiration. Identify where each occurs.     
10   **Unit Test (all chapter 8) Fri. 10/16  

B layer Activities: Application and Analysis

Students choose 1 ONLY: You must complete 10 points in order to receive a “B”, and to advance to the A-Layer activities.  Students are responsible for conducting these labs.





Assignment Description Date Due Teacher


20   Fermentation Lab (formal- it will take at least 7 days) Wed. 11/4  
10   Bread baking with yeast (informal)    

A  layer activities:  Synthesis and Evaluation

Students choose 1 ONLY: You must complete 10 points in order to receive an “A”.





Assignment description

Unless otherwise stated, 3 paragraph MLA format response with 3 sources minimum.

Date Due Teacher


10   Research a cellular process that utilizes energy.  Try to find out how many molecules of ATP are utilized (or produced) in the process  Fri. 11/6  
10   What exactly is cholesterol?  What type of bio-molecule is it?  Why is it so important to our health? What are the major types of cholesterol?  Why is too much cholesterol bad for us?  What is the role played by cholesterol in the plasma membrane?  Design a PowerPoint presentation that includes at least 5 slides that answer these questions.  Include a list of your sources of information.     
15   Research entropy.  (This will require some web-quests using search engines or specific websites like WebMD, CDC.gov, cff.org, etc.)  Once you have enough information to relay to the public, design an informative pamphlet that can be distributed in an office.  Make certain that your pamphlet includes the word, what it is, how it is used, various kinds, and include at least one picture.     

*This sheet (with my initials) must be turned

in with your layer A assignment (please staple together).*