Jayne Perkins
Eric L Knowlton School
Berwick, Maine
Book 6 Chapters 25-31
Layered Curriculum Unit
Partially Meets Layer:
You must complete 50 points worth of activities to move on to
the Meets Layer.
*Read with Mrs. Perkins (5 points)
*Read independently (5 points) ______/______
*Using my handout for outlines, write
an outline for each chapter (20 points)____/_____
*Design a cover for each chapter,
be sure it shows the subject of each chapter (10 points) _____/____
*Make a collage using at least four
important people from the chapters as your subject, you must be able
to explain each picture. Include 4 facts for each person (use pictures
from the internet, magazines or your own drawings) (5 points)___/___
*Answer the following questions (2 points each)
*What purpose does President Lincoln believe the war served?
*Name two reasons why Richmond was so important to the Confederates.
*Explain “Total War”, include the General who believed it would work
*Why did the Confederates troops set fire to supplies in Richmond?
*Why is Appomatox Court House important?
*Why did President Abraham Lincoln start reconstruction plans before the war ended?
*What happened to Lee’s sword? Would you have done the same thing, why or why not?
*Explain the 13th Amendment, 14th
Amendment, 15th Amendment. (5 points) __/__
*Write a paragraph explaining Sherman’s
march to the sea, include a map of his route and a key to show major
destruction he caused along his way. (10 points) ___/___
*Locate a photograph of a Civil War
scene and print it or save it, free write your thoughts, feelings and
associations inspired by the picture, write at least 2 paragraphs. (5
points) ___/___
*Create a keynote sharing 10 interesting
little-known facts relating to the Civil War, cite your sources. (5
points) ___/___
*Make a collage all about the Civil
War, from start to end. (10 points) ___/___
Meets Layer (choose 1, up to 20 points total)
*Write a journal entry from the view
of a bystander at the signing of the surrender of Lee at Appomattox
, it must be 75-100 words long. ___/___
*Write a poem that a Civil War soldier
might have written after hearing that the war was over. Poem must be
12 lines in length. May be rhyming or free-verse.___/___
*Write and perform a play depicting
Lee’s surrender at Apomattox. ___/___
*Write an essay explaining what the
United States would be like if President Lincoln had never
*Compare and contrast General Robert
E. Lee and General Ulysses S Grant. ____/____
*Draw a historical map depicting major battles of the Civil War, include dates and who won the battle. ___/___
*Prepare an “on the street”
interview of a common person living during the Civil War Era. Ask his/her
opinions about the following: casualties and medical care, draft laws,
economic effects, women at war, relations between the North and South.
Be sure to cite your sources, opinions must be based on fact, you may
perform the interview with another person. ___/___
*Create a coloring book of major
people of the Civil War. Each page should tell who it is and why he/she
was important to the Civil War. Create 8 or more pages.___/___
*Prepare facts sheets on medical
care for soldiers during the Civil War. Include information on battle
field hospitals; diseases such as malaria, dysentery, and typhoid; and
people who nursed the wounded, such as Clara Barton, Sojourner Truth,
Sally Louisa Tompkins and Dorothea Dix
Exceeds Layer (choose 1, up
to 30 points)
*Research popular music in the North
and South during the Civil War. First review songs popular at the start
of the war (Battle Hymn of the Republic, Dixie, etc). Then find songs
that were sung later and detect mood changes reflecting the progress
of the war and its horror. Use your findings to present a program on
moods reflected in music of the era, have clips of the music or lyrics
to share. Cite your sources. ___/___
*Create a model of a battle of the
Civil War. Characters should be identified; movements in the battle
should be shown (by arrows, etc). Explain the battle and its outcome(s)
verbally or on paper. Include who led each side, location of battle,
number of soldiers fighting, number of casualties and injured for each
side, and winning side. Also, include what significance this battle
had on the outcome of the Civil War. You may use plastic figures, create
clay one or draw it out. You may also use a computer to aid your work.
Cite your sources. ___/___
*Create a keynote containing the
Northern Strategic Plans; Blockade Southern Ports, Seize Control of
the Mississippi River, Capture Richmond. Include introductory slide
(title and author), 3-5 slides for each topic and 3-5 pictures for each
topic. Your last slide should be a bibliography. Be sure to cite
your sources. __/___
*Create a mural depicting the major
events of the Civl War. ___/___
*Create a diorama exhibit about the life of one of the following during the Civil War era: African American slave, an army chaplain, an army nurse, a prisoner of war, a union general, a war photographer or a woman on the homefront. Exhibit should include an activity, artifacts and written description. ___/___