Exploring Vocabulary

Layered Curriculum Unit

Jayne Perkins

Eric L Knowlton School, Berwick, Maine 

Partially Meets Layer:  Must complete 50 points worth of activities to move on to the Meets Layer. Be sure to use all the words for each assignment in every level. 

Make a set of your own flash cards, be ready to have me quiz you. (20 points) _____/_____ 

Make a slideshow using all the words, be sure your project shows the meaning of each word in some way, either with a picture or the actual definition. (15 points) ____/____ 

Create your own quiz and answer sheet, have another student complete it and then grade it. (5 points) ____/____ 

Complete a student made quiz. (5 points) ____/____   

Write an email to a friend using all the vocab words, underline all vocab words. (10 points) ____/____ 

Draw a poster using each word, be sure your project shows the meaning of each word in some way, either with a picture of the actual definition. (15 points ) ____/____ 

Create a newspaper article (summary) about the life of two of the important people from the vocab list. (5 points) ___/___ 

Meets Layer (choose 1, worth up to 20 points) 

Make an illustrated story book using all the vocab words, underline all vocab words.  ____/____ 

Write a paper stating your beliefs, be sure to use and underline all vocab words. ____/___ 

Write a song, be sure to use and underline all vocab words. ____/____ 

Write a poem, be sure to use and underline all vocab words. ____/____ 

Write a diary entry as if in the Civil War using all the vocab, underline all vocab words.  ____/____ 

Write a letter to Abraham Lincoln asking him questions about the Civil War, use all the vocab words, underline all vocab words. . ____/____ 

Make 10 trading cards with the description of places and people from the Civil War era. ___/___ 

Write a one page journal entry from the point of view of one of the people above (describe at least 5 major events, ideas, or issues from the time).___/___ 

Exceeds Layer (choose 1, worth up to 30 points) 

Make a game using all the vocabulary words, be sure to underline all vocab words. ____/____ 

Make/draw a comic strip using all the vocab words. ____/____ 

Write a newspaper article, be sure to use and underline all vocab words. ____/____ 

Create a brochure about the places where the Civil War took place, include all your vocab words ____/____ 

Create a mini thesaurus using all the vocab words. ____/____ 

Create a mini photo album using all the words. ____/____ 

Make a list of 5 important Civil War battles, describe each one briefly, and draw a picture to represent each one,using all the vocab words, underline all vocab words. .___/___ 

Create a Venn diagram that compares the Union and Confederacy.___/___ 

Describe that issues that led to the Civil War. ___/___