The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
created by Jo Ann James (Jane Long Middle School)
adapted from Laurie Hadden (Kearns Junior High)
Required: Read the book. (50 points)
Section I: Choose any of these assignments for a maximum of 100 points. You may, at times, choose to work with a partner, but each student must defend all assignments orally.
and ink, charcoal colored paper, photographic collage, etc. (15 points)
the book. Copy the lyrics and describe why you think these lyrics define that particular character. (15 points)
idioms, including the idiom, its definition, and an illustration of what it literally means. (2 points, each; 30 points maximum)
4. Choose 15-20 interesting or unfamiliar words from the novel and make flash
cards with their definitions and an illustration. Learn their meanings. (10
5. Act out a scene from the book. You may work with one or more partners. (15
6. Choose one character and write a poem about that character. (15 points)
7. Create original music that could serve as a soundtrack for the novel. Record
your music and provide a CD for the teacher to listen to. (15 points)
8. Create a diorama of a scene from the novel. (15 points)
9. Create puppets of two major and two minor characters. (15 points)
10. Act out a scene with your puppets. (15 points)
11. Create a poster advertising the book, or a new cover for the book. (15
12. Choose your favorite part of the book. Write a description of this part of the
book and tell why it is your favorite. Must be in language other than English.
(20 points)
13. Create a crossword puzzle using clues and words from the story. Use at least
fifteen words. (15 points)
14. Create a list of at least ten homophones found in The Phantom Tollbooth.
(10 points)
Section II: Choose one - 25 points
Section III: Choose one – 50 points. Discuss you topic with a parent, teacher, or other adult, or find two sources outside the classroom to inform your opinion and expose you to other opinions. Decide your opinion and write a one to two page defense of your position. Cite your sources.
100 – 128 points = D
129 – 158 points = C
159 – 178 points = B
179 – 200 points = A