The Nature of Science
Joan Johnson and Kyla Dufrene, Waxahachie Jr.
High, Texas
These units were developed with the Glencoe Texas Science book.
Name: Due Date: Your Score /150max
The Nature of Science (assignments with an "*" are REQUIRED and will
be done as a class)
Day One: How Science Works
Do Two
*1. Listen to the lecture/take notes (5pts)
2. Reinforcement Worksheet, section 1 (5 pts)
3. Science Journal, p. 7 (5pts)
4. Foldable, p. 5 (5pts)
Day Two: Scientific Problem Solving
Do Two
*1. Listen to the lecture/take notes (5pts)
2. Vocabulary Flashcards list on page 25 (10 pts)
3. Reinforcement Worksheet for Section 2 (5pts)
Day Three: Lab Equipment and Safety
Do Three
*1. Listen to the lecture/take notes (5pts)
*2. Label pictures of lab equipment (10pts)
*3. Worksheets Safety Skill #30-31 (5pts)
Days Four, Five, and Six: Metric Conversions and Measurements
*1. Listen to the lecture/take notes (5pts)
Do One
2. Section 21 Measurement Skills Worksheet (10 pts)
3. Section 22 Measurement Skills Worksheet (5 pts)
Do One
Conversion problems worksheet A (10pts)
Conversion problems worksheet B (10 pts)
Do One
6. Section 1, 2, & 3 Lab Tasks (10pts) Must have lab license.
7. Section 17, 18, & 19 Measurement Skills (5 pts)
Day Seven: B Layer Lab Activity
*1. M&M Count and Crunch (10 pts)
Day Eight: A Layer Activity
*1. Should the United States completely convert to the Metric system of measurement?
OR What are the positive and negative impacts of technology, and does the positive outweigh the negative? (Teacher/class choice) (15 pts)
Grade Scale: 80pts -89pts = C 90pts 99pts = B 100pts-114pts = A
70 -79 = C 80-89 = B 90-100 = A