10th Grade American Cultures II
Unit V:  Social Histories
Jonathan Lamm

Comprehend: Minimum:  70 points  Maximum:  75 points

      All students must complete assignment 1 or 2! 

  1. Actively participate in class instruction.  Take notes on each decade/time period, and answer review questions
    1. 5 decades x 5 points each = 25 points
  2. Read assigned sections in text and complete each section review.
    1. 5 sections x 5 points each = 25 points.
  3. Complete “Social Histories of the 20th Century” graphic organizer, being sure to fully address important people, causes, and effects. = 15 points
  4. Complete “Social Histories” timeline with either original pictures or internet pictures.  Be sure all pictures are labeled! = 15 points
  5. Watch video on 20th century music and complete handout.  = 10 points
  6. Read “Commentary: Counterculture” section in text and make bullet list of 5 key facts.  = 10 points
  7. Complete “Gender Gap” graphic organizer.  = 10 points
  8. Visit “Facebook For Parents” webpage and make a list of at least 3 reasons why parents should understand what Facebook is and at least 3 benefits of a Facebook page. = 5 points
  9. Make a list of at least 2 reasons high school students in the 1920’s, 1930’s, 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1980’s would have argued that their parents “just don’t understand!” = 10 points

Apply:  Minimum:  50 points  Maximum:  60 points 

  1. Create a display board of life of high school students in the decades studied.  Show at least one new innovation that added to their lives, and at least one way parents struggled to understand.  = 20 points
  2. Write a 3-4 page paper comparing and contrasting growing up in this decade vs. the others studied.  = 20 points 
  3. Create a PowerPoint presentation of how major historical events in the decades discussed affected how people lived.  You must include all decades.  Be sure to use pictures, graphs, music, and original ideas!  = 20 points
  4. Create a brochure for a hypothetical display at a museum called “Life Throughout the Century.”  What major artifacts would be included?  What picture do they paint?  = 15 points.
  5. Write and produce a one minute commercial on what decade was best in which to progress through high school.  Why was that decade better than the others?  What would you have gained by living through that one?  = 15 points.
  6. Make a slideshow to Will Smith’s song “Parents Just Don’t Understand” = 15 points.

Evaluate: Choose 2 of the 3. 

  1. Pick an important historical event from your lifetime, then create a 3-5 minute YouTube video of how your life would be different if that event did not take place. = 20 points
  2. Pretend you are a guest lecturer at a major university.  You have been asked to deliver a presentation on which decade was toughest to raise children.  Given the political, social, and historical events of the decades we discussed, choose the decade you think was toughest.  Videotape yourself at a podium delivering this address.  It should be 7-10 minutes in length.  Please dress the part!  Gentlemen, a blue or gray suit would be most appropriate.  Ladies, a “Hillary Suit” would be appropriate for you.  = 20 points.
  3. Write the introduction to a book evaluating life in 20th century America.  The book is topical in nature, and in order to spark debate over the contents of it, the author has asked you to write the introduction.  You should write a 4-6 page paper on one of the following topics:  = 20 points
    1. The historical event that most drastically changed how people lived.
    2. The person most responsible for change in the 20th century.
    3. The law/laws that made the most positive change in the decade.