Unit: The Bill of Rights

Josh Vagi
8th Grade Social Studies
Algonquin Middle School
Algonac, Michigan

# C Layer Assignments – 70 points maximum Points


Score Received
  Section 1 – Amendments 1-3    
1 Step Up and Speak 10  
2 Comparing 1st Amendment Cases 5  
3 What does the 1st Amendment Say? 5  
4 Speaking Out in School 5  
5 Cyber bullying Opinion 5  
6 Religion Clauses of the 1st Amendment 5  
7 Guarantees of the 1st Amendment 5  
8 1st Amendment Opinion (see directions sheet) 10  
9 1st Amendment Learning Cube or Foldable (see sheet) 10  
10 Do You Have a Right to “Bear Arms”? 10  
11 The 2nd Amendment – Reading and Questions 10  
12 2nd Amendment Limits (see directions sheet) 10  
13 Find any “current event” article dealing with Amendments 1, 2 or 3 and summarize it in either 2 paragraphs or a 30 second spoken summary with teacher 5  
14 “Draw” Amendments 1-3 (see directions sheet) 3 each  
15 Video Skit – Amendments 1-3 (see directions sheet) 5  
  Section 2 – Amendments 4-6    
16 Liberty vs. Security – The 4th Amendment 10  
17 Right to Remain Silent Restricted? 5  
18 5th Amendment Learning Cube or Foldable (see sheet) 10  
19 The Sixth Amendment Reading 5  
20 Trial by Boiling Oil 5  
21 Watch “You the Jury” and answer questions 5  
22 Comparing Trial Systems from History 10  
23 Deciding by Group – You are the Jury 5  
24 The Jury System on Trial 5  
25 6th Amendment Learning Cube or Foldable (see sheet) 10  
26 Find any “current event” article dealing with Amendments 4, 5 or 6 and summarize it in either 2 paragraphs or a 30 second spoken summary with teacher 5  
27 “Draw” Amendments 4-6 (see directions sheet) 3 each  
28 Video Skit – Amendments 4-6 (see directions sheet) 5  
  Section 3 – Amendments 7-10    
29 Considering the Constitution (7th Amendment) 5  
30 The Death Penalty Debate 5  
31 The Right to Hang Laundry 5  
32 7th-10th Amendment Learning Cube or Foldable (see sheet) 10  
33 Find any “current event” article dealing with Amendments 7, 8, 9 or 10 and summarize it in either 2 paragraphs or a 30 second spoken summary with teacher 5  
34 “Draw” Amendments 7-10 (see directions sheet) 3 each  
35 Video Skit – Amendments 7-10 (see directions sheet) 5  
  Section 4 – All 10 Together    
36 Bill of Rights FIB Notes 5  
37 Establishing Amendment Priorities 10  
38 Bill of Rights Violations 10  
39 Bill of Rights Review 1-10 5  
40 The Bill of Non-Rights 10  
41 Do the Bill of Rights Rap! 5  
42 Bill of Rights True or False 5  
43 The Need for a Bill of Rights 5  
44 Amending the Constitution 5  
45 Amazing Amendments 5  
46 Constitution Facts Crossword 10  
47 Brief Bio on James Madison 5  
48 Any 1 activity from billofrightsinstitute.org (resources, students, play games) 5  
49 Bill of Rights Vocabulary (flashcards, in pictures, foldable) 5  
50 Video ending to “Losing the Bill of Rights” (see directions) 5  
51 5 Point Awards (2) 10  
  C Layer Totals    
# B Layer Assignment – Choose 1 of the following tasks.  Answer each question completely.  15 points each. Points


1 If you could add an amendment to the Constitution, what would it be and why would you add it? 15  
2 If you could only pick one, which Amendment would you keep, and which would you eliminate from the Bill of Rights? 15  
3 Create an informational poster, pamphlet or power point on the Bill of Rights for an immigrant.  You don’t have to explain each Amendment, just an overview of the 10. 15  
4 Write a rap/song/poem about the Bill of Rights that explains all 10 Amendments 15  
5 Write a summary paper on the Bill of Rights (see direction sheet) 15  
6 The meaning of the 2nd Amendment paper (see direction sheet) 15  
7 Create a pro-con “foldable” for any amendment (or part of amendment) 15  
8 6th Amendment paper – Pro/Con: Should the accused be able to see their accusers? 15  
9 8th Amendment paper – Pro/Con: Should the death penalty be constitutional? 15  
SPECIAL A/B COMBO ASSIGNMENT Complete the Bill of Rights Institute Essay Contest and enter your paper in the contest, following the guidelines for the contest on the website billofrightsinstitute.org/contest  and be sure to utilize the resources on the website! 30 points are possible – see me for rubric.
# A Layer Assignment – Choose 1 of the following tasks.  Answer each question completely.  20 points each. Points


1 Create a Bill of Rights board game that takes us through all 10 Amendments -20 questions 15  
2 Write a fictional newspaper that highlights the passing of 2 Amendments (see sheet) 15  
3 Rank the 3 most important amendments and defend your opinions 15  
4 Recommend 3 improvements for the Bill of Rights – 1 change, 1 add, 1 delete 15  
5 Which amendment (or part of amendment) has the greatest impact on our life?  Why? 15  
6 Bill of Rights Institute Essay Contest (Shortened Version – see directions) 15  

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Total Points ________ (Student should have approximately half of the points possible)

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Final Score (all layers, out of 100 possible) ________

Mr. Vagi Signature___________________________

Parent Signature _____________________________ Date_____________