100 points
Duration of
Unit : 2 weeks
Grades K – 2
A Layer:
(Choose one to
participate in class discussion/15 points)
- Should you kill a bug
on a sidewalk that is not bothering you? What about in the house?
When is it okay to kill a bug?
- Which bug is your
favorite and why?
B Layer:
(Choose 2 to complete/15 points each)
- Build a bug out of
given materials and tell the class
- Observe bugs for 5
minutes 3 times a week and draw a picture for each observation.
- Show a labeled bug
collection you made!
C Layer:
(Choose 6 to complete/5 points each)
- Meet with the
teacher for reading group about bugs! MUST DO!!
- Math Bug Activity
- Watch a video on bugs
- Complete ditto on bug
- Activity: Where do
bug live??
- Naming/Labeling
different bugs
- Participate in
writing a song for a bugs life
- What do bugs eat
- Participate in KWL
*Students will all do the
reading groups however they can choose 6 other centers and activities
to do as the 2 weeks progress.