To Kill a Mockingbird
Kerri Tegtmeier
Thornberg, IA.


Name _______________________________  Total Points Contracted  _____________

                                                                           Total Points Earned        _____________


Grading Scale: 

Required Activities:

___  1.  Read/listen to the book (tape is available)
___  2.  Participate in the class discussions about the book

Layer C.  10 activities maximum.  You must do 7 activities to move to Layer B.

___  1.  Find 20 words throughout the book that are new to you.  Write out the words, a definition, a sentence, and a drawing or symbol to help you remember the words.  20 points.
___  2.  Re-act a chapter with friends, each of you taking the part of one of the characters.  Wear appropriate clothing and use props.  Memorize your lines.   20 points.
___  3.  Take the main components of a novel. Study such things as setting, theme, crisis etc. and discuss where each of these is in the book.  20 points.
___  4.  Lee, the author, gives detailed descriptions of the each of the characters in the book.  Choose 3 characters and write/find 3 paragraphs or 3 poems about these characters.  25 points.
___  5.  Draw a cartoon/sketch/comic strip about one of your favorite scenes in the book.  25 points.
___  6.  Draw a portrait of a character from the book.  The portrait may be a head shot, or a full-body representation.  Be as accurate as possible based on the description in the book.  Use watercolors, charcoal, crayons, or colored pencils.  25 points.
___  7.  Draw a poster advertising the movie or to convince your friends to read the book.  25 points.
___  8.  Create a collage of the story using pictures from the internet, magazines, drawings, etc. that depicts the story.  Create 3 easily identifiable scenes from the story.  25 points.
___  9.  Write an alternative ending to a chapter in the story.  25 points.
___  10.  Write a newspaper article about one of the events in the story.  20 points.
___  11.  Write an event in the story from another characters perspective.  Include the thoughts the character might have had while the event was taking place. 20 points
___  12.  Create a diorama over an event in the book.  20 pints

Layer B.  5 activities maximum.  You must do 3 activities to go to Layer A.

___  1.  Pick out 12 significant events in the book.  Make a timeline with of the events and write a two-sentence explanation of why they are significant.        20 points
___  2.  Write an interview between a main character and a newspaper reporter.  Remember this story took place before the invention of the television.          20 points
___  3.  Design an award for 5 main characters.  Write a brief speech (1-2 paragraphs) outlining why each person qualified for that award.  For example:  Tomboy of the Year goes to Scout. 20 points.
___ 4.  Write a eulogy or obituary for one of the main characters.  Include highlights of that person’s life.  You may add details for the younger characters in the book.  20 points.
___  5.  Build a model of the Radley House.  This should look like how it is described in the novel.  Include details from the book, such as the crooked shutters, the tree with the knothole cemented shut.  25 points
___  6.  Create mobile depicting scenes from the book.  Use construction paper, actual items, or pictures.    20 points
___  7.  Write a detailed character analysis of a person from the story.  Discuss three traits of the character.  Give examples from the book, to prove your thoughts.  Use at least three quotes, or examples.  This must be at least one page long.                   20 points
___  8.  Atticus decides to run for office after the trial.  Write a campaign speech for him.  Include how the trial helps him as a candidate.         20 points
___  9.  Write a song or poem over the events in the book.  20 points

Layer A – Maximum of 3 activities

___  1.  Compare the events in the book to events going on in the world today.  Give specific examples.    25 points
___  2.  Design and build a model of  Maycomb.  Include the homes, and other places mentioned in the book.               25 points
___  3.  Create a PowerPoint presentation over the book.  Include quotes, events, and characters in your presentation.  25 points
___   4.  Write a brief narrative.  Discuss answers to the following questions.  What did you know about race relations in the South?  What did you learn?  What other literature/movies relate to this time period?   Must be at least 1 ½  pages long.  25 points
___  5.  Create a newspaper issue from that era.  Include headlines, want ads, articles, obituaries, advertisement, and editorials.  Use the layout of a real newspaper.  30 points
___  6.  Reflect on if those same events happened today.  Would there be a trial, what would the outcome be if there was a trial.  Justify your position.  Must be one page.  20 points


Grading Scale:

275 and up  A              225-274 B        175 - 224 C        125 - 174 D     below 125 F

You MUST be at work each day of class. Most class periods will begin with our discussion of the assigned lesson and points will be given for that activity.

"C" Layer

Activity                                                             Points earned

_________________________________                  ______ points

_________________________________                  ______ points

_________________________________                  ______ points

_________________________________                  ______ points

______________________________ ___                  ______ points

_________________________________                  ______ points

_________________________________                  ______ points

_________________________________                  ______ points

_________________________________                  ______ points     Total for level  C  _____________

"B" Layer

Activity                                                             Points earned

_________________________________                  ______ points

_________________________________                  ______ points

_________________________________                  ______ points

_________________________________                  ______ points

_________________________________                  ______ points      Total for level B _____________


“A” Layer

_________________________________                  ______ points

_________________________________                  ______ points

_________________________________                  ______ points      Total for level A



Total Points  ____________________   Project Grade  _______________________






