Cells: Basic Unit of Life

Kim Wilson


  1. Describe the structure and functions of an organism in terms of cells, tissues, and organs.
  2. Identify differences and similarities between plant and animal cells.
  3. Identify photosynthesis as the process by which plants use the energy from light to make sugar energy.

Choose one assignment from each section, 8 assignments total. Each assignment is worth 10 points. 

C Layer 250 points available, 80 points maximum

___ View the cell video and take notes.

___ Read and take notes from a book about cell theory.

___ Read and take notes from a book about cell surface to volume ratios.

___ Make flashcards for 10 vocab words for chapter 1; be prepared to be orally quizzed.

___ Complete the math break on cell volume pg 13.

___ Read and take notes from a book about prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

___ Sketch and label prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

___ Make a chart or venn diagram comparing prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

___ Read and take notes from a book about plant cell organelles.

___ Sketch and label the process of plant photosynthesis inside a chloroplast.

___ Use the microscope to observe and sketch a plant cell. Label 3 organelles.

___ Read and take notes from a book about animal cell organelles.

___ Make a chart or venn diagram comparing animal and plant cells.

___ Use the microscope to observe and sketch an animal cell. Label 3 organelles.

To move from C to B layer, you must score 80% on a written quiz and take an oral quiz with Wilson.

B Layer Choose one & collect a scoring guide. 15 points.

Set up a Jeopardy review game for the class to play.

Build a model of a plant or animal cell.

Write a song or poem about the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Create an ad to sell a plant or animal cell.

Plan a movie with a plant cell and an animal cell as the main characters.

Write and illustrate a children’s book with a partner about plant and animal cells.

OR suggest another project.

To move from C to B layer, you must score 80% on a written quiz and take an oral quiz with Wilson.


A Layer: Choose one & collect a scoring guide. 10 points.

Support your opinion with at least 4 pieces of information gathered in layer C and any other resources you need. You can use B layer projects, diagrams, charts, models, etc. to support your opinion.

How has photosynthesis affected humans?

Which cell organelle is most important for your health?

What advances did the development of the eukaryotic cell give our planet?

Pick a current event article, summarize it and give your opinion on the questions raised.