7 Layered Curriculum Guide
Chapter 17, 19 and 20
Leanne Winkler
Pickney High School in Michigan
Essential Question: In what ways will the choices you make today
determine your future health and well-being?
C-Layer Choose from
the following and earn 65 points max
_____ Two Day Diet Diary- and make a chart of the
foods you eat and are lacking
(10 points)
_____ Nutrient Discussion, take notes and Basic
Nutrient Match (10 points)
_____ research activity (15 points)
_____ Calorie Game (5 points)
_____ Vocabulary of chapters 17, 19 and 20 (10 points)
_____ Write a newspaper article explaining what good
nutrition is, the recommended food one should eat, and the effects of
eating nutritionally. (10 points)
_____ Diet Related Illnesses (10 points)
_____ Watch the Super Size Me video and take notes on
10 interesting facts
(10 points)
_____ Watch the eating disorders video and take
notes (5 points)
_____ Chapter 20 Life Management Skills
worksheet (5 points)
B- Layer Choose one
of the following to earn 15 maximum points
Presentation must include visual.
_____ What is the most healthy restaurant in the
Pinckney area? Explain why it is the most healthy
restaurant. It is important to do some research for this
question, whether you search the menus on the internet or go restaurant
to restaurant to ask questions about their menus.
_____ What are the long-term effects of the elderly
who have been lacking nutrients over a short term or an extended amount
of time?
_____ What are positive and negative effects on the body of supplement
loading for muscle gain?
_____ What is worse butter, margarine
_____ What is so bad about artificial sweeteners?
_____ What is worse, Diet or Regular soda?
_____ Water, vitamin formulated water, fountain water
or flavored water, what is best.
_____ Can diet be related to mental disorders other
than eating disorders?
A-Layer Choose one
of the following to earn 20 maximum points
Be sure to complete research and support you opinion of the statement
with research.
_____ Dieting is good for your health.
_____ “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”
_____ Nutritional health is a long-term lifestyle.