Lynée Zajac Beck M.Ed.

Shadow Ridge Middle School

Denver, Colorado

Extensions – Astronomy Review Unit  

Name _______________________________________________ Due Date: Sept 5, Tuesday 

    Directions Examine the possible activities you can do to learn the unit objectives, highlight the assignments that you would like to do. Each assignment has a point value based on the amount of time and effort necessary to complete that task. Turn in completed work to the basket for your class period. An oral defense is required to earn points for most assignments. You must meet the minimum point requirement before moving on to extra credit. As always, if you have questions ASK or email.  

    This work will not be accepted late.  If you must be absent on the due date, make arrangements with your teacher before then, or ask someone to bring it to school for you on the due date. 

    ~Computer Lab will be available on Tuesday and Wednesday only~

    Essential Questions
    1. What causes the seasons?
    2. What causes the phases of the moon?
    3. What is the solar system?
    4. How does the solar system function?
    Grading Scale 45-50 = A            (9-10 pts/day)

    40-46 = B          (8 pts/day)

    35-39 = C            (7 pts/day)

    30-34 = D            (6 pts/day)

       <30 = Not Yet!





Moon Phases



    Seasons (Red book pages 614-622)
    1. **Tuesday Information Session (5)
    2. Create vocabulary flashcards or a vocabulary foldable (5)
    3. Design a 3D model that explains the seasons (15)
    4. The Story of Time reading and worksheet (10)
    5. Complete the online tutorial at Use the side menu to navigate through the entire tutorial. Take notes and be prepared to explain what you have learned. (10)
    Moon Phases  (Red book pages 623-631)
    1. ** Wednesday Information Session (5)
    2. Create vocabulary flashcards or a vocabulary foldable (5)
    3. Design a children’s book that explains the phases of the moon and why they happen (10)
    4. Design a chart that compares and contrasts solar eclipses and lunar eclipses (10)
    5. Draw a poster of a lunar and solar eclipse. Use color and include labels. (10)
    6. Describe now we can know the time by looking at the moon. (5)
    7. Complete the online tutorial at Navigate through each lesson and take notes. Be prepared to explain what you have learned. (10)
    Planets (Red book pages 646-650 and 654-659)
    1. **Thursday Information Session (5)
    2. Create vocabulary flashcards or a vocabulary foldable (5)
    3. How much do you weigh? Worksheet (5)
    4. Create a travel brochure to advertise going to a specific planet. Information to include: distance from Earth,

         climate, surface features and interesting facts about the planet. (10)

    1. Design a chart that compares and contrasts the inner and outer planets. (10)
    2. Draw a picture of an asteroid, comet and meteoroid with labels to show the difference (5)
    3. Put together a trip through the solar system.  What problems will you encounter and how will you overcome

         them?  What will you see? Chronicle your adventure with a detailed daily journal. (10)

    1. Read the poem on page 651, create your own poem on this topic (5)
    2. Write a protest letter from the ex-planet Pluto to the Astronomical Union arguing why you should still be

         considered a planet. (10)

    1. Write a thank you letter from the ex-planet Pluto to the Astronomical Union praising them for changing

         your status in the solar system. (10)

    Extra Credit (10 pts each)
    1. Use two hand lenses in combination to see distant objects, experiment to find the perfect distances. Explain and

         illustrate why the image is seen the way it is.

    1. Create a mind map of this unit. Be sure to make it visually appealing!
    2. Read the folktale on page 634; create your own on this topic.
    3. Is space junk a problem? Use A Layer Assignment Sheet.
    4. Should satellites be used for spying? Use A Layer Assignment Sheet.
    5. Which tool has been the most useful in space exploration? Use A Layer Assignment Sheet.
    6. Should the US spend money on space exploration? Use A Layer Assignment Sheet.
    7. Which design is best to replace the space shuttle? Use A Layer Assignment Sheet.
    8. Should we return to the moon? Use A Layer Assignment Sheet.