Mark Sailer
Science Teacher
Pioneer Jr-Sr High

Physics I    Name : __________________________________________________

Chapter 1 – About Science


  1. Explain why physics is the basic science.
  2. Outline scientific methods.
  3. Distinguish among observations, facts, hypotheses, laws, and principles.
  4. Describe the circumstances under which a hypothesis or law must be changed or abandoned.
  5. Distinguish between the everyday meaning and the scientific meaning of theory and explain why the refinement of theories is a strength in science.
  6. Distinguish between a hypothesis that is scientific and one that is not.
  7. Distinguish between science and technology.
  8. Distinguish among science, art, and religion.

Class Plan

Tuesday – August 16, 2005


      Homework – Begin to Read Chapter 1 – Make Reading Notes as you read.

Wednesday – August 17, 2005

      What is Physics? Class Discussion 

      Homework – Finish Reading notes

Thursday – August 18, 2005

Friday – August 19, 2005


      Homework Due– p. 8 Questions  #1, 4, 5, 6, 11, & 12 – (Oral Defense)  (5 points) _____ 

                                                      Total (60 points) _____

                                          Grades will be a straight percentage on this unit. 

All Work needs to be completed and turned in as a packet/portfolio on August 23, 2005.  Don’t lose this sheet or any of your work!!! 

Chapter 1 Quiz  - Tuesday August 23