Seventh Grade Science
Name: ______________________________
Forces and Acceleration Unit
Mark Sailer
Science Teacher
Pioneer Jr-Sr High
Days for unit – 10-12 Days Test Day: Dec 2
Explain Newton’s Second Law of Motion.
Explain why the direction of a force is important.
Identify the relation ship between the forces the objects exert on each other.
Indiana State Grade 7 Science Standards and Benchmarks addressed by this unit:
7.3.17 - Investigate that an
unbalanced force, acting on an object, changes it speed or path of
motion or both, and know that if the force always acts toward the same
center as the object moves, the objects path may curve into an orbit
around the center.
C Layer Assignments (65 Points Maximum)
Keep track of your points by circling the activity and writing your points received.
1. Homework Assignments – You should do one assignment from each section.
A. Section 2 - Read pp. 356-362 – Answer questions #1-7 (5 points) A. _____
B. Section 3 - Read pp. 363-368 – Answer questions #1-6 (5 points) B. _____
C. Section 2 - Notebook Pages – pp 143-145 – Worksheet (10 points) C. _____
D. Section 3 - Notebook Pages – pp. 146-148 – Worksheet (10 points) D. _____
E. Section 2 Reinforcement Worksheet – Newton’s Second Law (5 points) E. _____
F. Section 3 Reinforcement Worksheet – Newton’s Third Law (5 points) F. _____
2. Engage Activity – How are force and acceleration related? (5 points) 2. _____
3. Explore – Newton’s Second Law Laboratory Investigation (10 points) 3. _____
4. Explore – What affects circular motion? (5 points) 4. _____
5. Explore – Mini-Lab – p. 367 – Measuring Force Pairs – Worksheet (5 points) 5. _____
6. Explain Activity – Force and Acceleration notes (5 points) 6. _____
7. Explain Activity – Gravity, Weight and Circular motion notes (5 points) 7. _____
8. Math in Science – Meaningful Numbers – Worksheet (5 points) 8. _____
9. Balloon Races p. 369 (5 points) 9. _____
10. Create a poster that teaches Newton’s Second or Third Law.
(Follow Scoring Guide) (20 points) 10. _____
11. Construct a board game teaching all three of Newton’s laws of motion.
Have 3 classmates play the game. (20 points) 11. _____
12. Make flash cards for all of the terms in chapter 12.
(Follow scoring guide) (10 points) 12. _____
13. At the Bell
Activities ______________________________
B Layer Assignment (15 Points Maximum)
1. Build and fly a straw rocket (see handout.) Investigate one question about the straw rocket. Use an experiment worksheet for your experiment.
2. Select another
question to investigate. Get approval for your question before
A Layer Assignment (20 points Maximum)
1. Make a timeline showing and describing the important events in the life of Newton. Use the front side of an A layer research form for your research and then make your timeline.
2. Are air bags in cars good or bad? – Use an A Layer research form.
3. Select another
question. Get approval before starting.
C Layer Points Earned
_________ B Layer Points Earned __________ A Layer
Points Earned __________
Grades 40-55
D 56-70 C 71-85 B 86+
A Total _______________
Parent Signature: (5 points to
C – Layer) _______________________