Chapter 32: Divorce and Its Legal
Consequences - Grading Rubric
Mr. Mayo
Business and Marketing Educator
Arbor View High School
Name: Date:
Chapter 32: Divorce and Its
Legal Consequences Maximum 100 Points
C layer: Maximum 65
points in this section.
- Listen to lecture, take
notes (5 points / section) 1 2
- Independently read section,
take notes (5 points / section) 1 2
- Copy power point
presentation (5 points / section) 1 2
- Read section as a group and
discuss main concepts (5 points / section) 1 2
- Complete chapter 32
workbook pages (5 points / page) 1 2
3 4 5 6
- Bring in news stories
dealing with divorce and present to class. (5 points /
article) 1 2 3 4
- Make flashcards from key
terms in each section and learn them. (5 points / section)
- Create and hand in power
point presentation on the section (15 points / section)
- Create answers and
questions for jeopardy review game (1 point / Q & A) Max 10 /
- Answer assessment questions
at the end of each section (10 point / section)
- Complete word search for
each section (5 points / section)
- Create mind map poster with
key terms using only drawings (10pts/ section)
- Research your state laws
regarding name changes for children? (5 points)
- Conduct online research
list 10 websites that offer advise on divorce (1 point / website)
- Research how divorce
affects children (1 point)
- Chapter study guide (15
points) Required
- Jeopardy review game (5
points) Required
B layer: choose one only (15
- Create a poem/song that
explains the grounds for divorce.
- Design a public service
announcement informing the general public and fellow students what the
affects of divorce can do to children.
- Research a remedy to the
divorce problems and write a letter to the city counsel suggesting the
use of that remedy city wide.
A layer: choose one only (20
- Write a one page report
justifying why or why not the appellate court should reverse the lower
court’s decision in Connor vs. Connor.
- Write a one page report
comparing and contrasting the transfer of property ownership in
community property and non-community property states.
Extra Credit for the rest of
the year: one time only (50 points)
Have a member of the community
employed in finance-related positions be a guest speaker.
Grade Scale:
A=+86 B=85-71 C=70-56 D=55-41 F<=40