The Fundamental of Income Taxes - Thematic Unit Grading Rubric
Mr. Mayo
Business and Marketing Educator
Arbor View High School

Name:  Date: 

Chapter 12: The Fundamental of Income Taxes Maximum 100 Points

C layer:  Maximum 65 points in this section.

      In     Out

  1. Listen to lecture, take notes (5 points / section)  1   2
  2. Independently read section, take notes (5 points / section)  1   2
  3. Copy power point presentation (5 points / day)  1   2
  4. Read section as a group and discuss main concepts (5 points / section)  1   2
  5. Complete chapter 12 workbook pages (5 points / page)  1   2   3   4   5   6
  6. Bring to class your W-2’s to class and describe them to the class. (10 points)
  7. Make flashcards of key terms in each section and learn them. (5 points / section)
  8. Bring a pay stub to class and share with the class how much was taken out for Social Security and Income taxes. (15 points)
  9. Create Power Point Presentation and share with the class (15 Points)
  10. Create Q&A for jeopardy review game (1 point / Q & A) Max 5 / section
  11. Answer assessment questions at the end of each section (10 point / section)
  12. Complete word search for each section (5 points / section)
  13. Create mind map poster of key terms drawings only (10pts/ section)
  14. Write a letter to the IRS Requesting current tax laws (10 points)
  15. Watch No Brainers movie on Savings Strategies (1 points/Fact) Max 10 points
  16. Complete the Chapter Assessment at the end of the chapter(10 Points)
  17. Chapter study guide (15 points) Required
  18. Jeopardy review game (5 points) Required

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B layer: choose one only (15 points)

    Create a


    that describes the

    tax strategies that you can use to lower taxes


    Read a bartering book and share your own bartering system with the class


    sing marshmallows


    Interview someone who

    prepares taxes at least once a year.  List their favorite three and worst three tax laws




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    A layer

    : choose one only (20 points)

    Write a one page report personal biography including times where taxes have influenced purchases you have made.  Justify why you made those specific purchases throughout your life.

    Write a one page report comparing and contrasting the tax system in two countries and then compare with the United States. 


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    Grand Total ___  ___

    Reminder: Extra Credit for the rest of the year: one time only (50 points)

    Have a member of the community employed in finance-related positions be a guest speaker.

    Grade Scale:

    A=+86 B=85-71 C=70-56 D=55-41 F<=40