Chapter 11:
Real Estate and other Investment Alternatives - Thematic
Unit Grading Rubric
Mr. Mayo
Business and Marketing Educator
Arbor View High School
Name: Date:
Chapter 11: Real Estate and other Investment Alternatives Maximum 100 Points
C layer: Maximum 65 points in this section.
In Out
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B layer: choose one only (15 points)
Create a
ap that describes the advantages and disadvantages of Real Estate Investments
Design a public service announcement informing the general public and fellow students
what the advantages and disadvantages of Real Estate Investments
Interview someone who own
s rental property and manages it list the advantages and disadvantages of doing so
Then personally rank the top three and bottom three.
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A layer
: choose one only (20 points)
Justify on a poster with a graph why or why not owning your own home is a good investment. Graph must include research from 1950, 1960, 170, 1980, 1990, 2000.
Write a one page report comparing and contrasting cultural beliefs of owning property in two countries and then compare with the United States.
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Reminder: Extra Credit for the rest of the year: one time only (50 points)
Have a member of the community employed in finance-related positions be a guest speaker.
Grade Scale:
A=+86 B=85-71 C=70-56 D=55-41