Chapter 33: Renting a Place to Live -
Grading Rubric
Mr. Mayo
Business and Marketing Educator
Arbor View High School
Name: Date:
Chapter 33: Renting a Place to Live Maximum 100 Points
C layer: Maximum 65
points in this section.
In Out
1. Listen to lecture, take notes (5 points / section) 1 2 You must
2. Independently read section, take notes (5 points / section) 1 2 choose one
3. Copy power point presentation (5 points / section) 1 2 of these each
4. Read section as a group and discuss main concepts (5 points / section) 1 2 section.
5. Complete chapter 33 workbook pages (5 points / page) 1 2 3 4 5 6
6. Share news stories dealing with rent and present to class. (5 points / article) 1 2 3 4
7. Make flashcards from key terms in each section and learn them. (5 points / section)
8. Create and hand in power point presentation on the section (15 points / section)
9. Create answers and questions for jeopardy review game (1 point / Q & A) Max 10 / section
10. Answer assessment questions at the end of each section (10 point / section)
11. Complete word search for each section (5 points / section)
12. Create mind map poster with key terms using only drawings (10pts/ section)
13. Research your state laws regarding name changes for children? (5 points)
14. Conduct online research list 10 websites that offering rental property (1 point / website)
15. Chapter study guide (15 points) Required
16. Jeopardy review game (5 points)
B layer: choose one only (15 points)
1. Create a rap that explains the responsibilities of Land lord and Tenant.
2. Design a public service announcement informing the general public and fellow students of what terms should be included in a lease.
3. Research a remedy to the shortage
of affordable house and write a letter to city counsel a possible
A layer: choose one only (20 points)
1. Type a one page report justifying why or why not it is ethical Mr. Harward to evict Lolita Pentecost and keep her furniture and possessions for missed payments.
2. Research apartments in your
area. Select one that you would like to rent. Find out how
much it would cost to actually live there. Include costs such as
first and last month’s rent security deposits and utilities deposits
and installations. Prepare a budget using a spreadsheet program
to show your findings.
Extra Credit for the rest of the year: one time only (50 points)
Have a member of the community employed in finance-related positions be a guest speaker.