Bacteria (Kingdom Monera)
Mrs. Gibson
Nute High School
Due Date: 12/7/05
Objectives: At the end of this unit you will be able to:
Required Assignments. (This means you MUST do them.)
1. Plate bacteria (used for B level)
_____ 2. PCR & DNA
_____ 3. Finish your murder
_____ 3. Bacteria
Required notes for this section. (Again … this means you MUST do them.)
_____ 1. The structure of
_____ 2. The pros and cons
of antibiotics
______ “C Level”. (TP level) - 25 points are necessary for a C
(CP level) – 35
points are necessary for a C
___ 1. Read pages 339 – 343 in
your book on Bacteria. Be able to answer questions. (5 points)
___ 2. Read pages 344 – 352
in your book on How Bacteria Affect Humans. Be able to answer
questions. (5 points)
___ 3. Write 2 paragraphs. One on ways bacteria is helpful to humans and one on ways bacteria is harmful to humans. (5 points)
___ 4. Using materials of your
choice, make a 3-D model of a prokaryotic cell. (10 points)
___ 5. Make a poster that
shows and explains the difference between gram positive and gram
negative bacteria. (5 points)
___ 6. Using either a
poster, picture book, or pamphlet format, show and describe the three
shapes of bacteria. (10 points)
___ 7. Using construction paper and plain drawing paper, make a minimum 10 page children's book on bacteria, antibiotics, and ways to prevent bacterial infections. Illustrate your book. (15 points)
___ 8. Research 3 types of
bacterial infection: botulism, tetnus, and strep throat. Write a small,
1/2 page report on each. List your sources of information. (15 points)
___ 9. Make a booklet of Internet sites dedicated to bacteria. Include cover page, table of
contents and home page of at
least 10 sites. (no matching booklets) 15 pts.
“B” Level: 15 points maximum Choose one. ________________________
Note: All these labs require streaking a plate of agar with bacteria. You must watch and listen to the demonstration to do the labs.
These must be done in
A poster must be made to show your results.
___ 1. Grow a collection of bacteria from at least 5 places on your body. Describe your
collection of colonies and
compare them to your classmates?
___ 2. Does handwashing reduce
the bacteria on your hands? Prove it.
___ 3. Find a place in the
school "germier" than our doorknob.
___ 4. Does Listerine really
kill germs in the mouth? Prove it!
Level: 15 points maximum. Choose one. ______________________
___ 1. Is there a flesh
eating bacteria? If so, what is it? Thoroughly describe it.
Poster might work here.
___ 2. What caused the E.coli
deaths from Jack-in-the-Box a few years ago?
___ 3. What is the "down-side" to antibiotics in our society? Find a creative way to show our results.