The Kingdom Keepers Novel Study

Created by Michelle Nelson

Panama City, FL


Required Activities:

Complete all classroom activities for the novel including questions, discussions, and quickwrites.

C Layer Activities (Choose 60 points):

  1. Find 20 words that are new to you.  Write out the words, the definition for the word as used in proper context, a drawing, symbol, or characteristics to help you remember the meaning of the word, an example, and a nonexample of the word.  Feel free to use Frayer Model worksheets if you wish.  (10 points)


  1. Arrange vocabulary words in alphabetical order.  (5 points)


  1. Use each of your vocabulary words in an original sentence.  (5 points)


  1. Complete a vocabulary matching worksheet.  (5 points)


  1. Create bumper stickers to reflect the meaning of 5 vocabulary words.  Feel free to use artwork and catchy slogans to represent the words and their meanings.  (5 points)


  1. Outline one chapter from the book.  You may use the ReadWriteThink Notetaker generator: (10 points)


  1. Participate in and complete online discussion activities throughout the book via Voicethread:  (20 points)


  1. Draw a comic strip of one of your favorite scenes in the book.  You may use the Comic Generator at Read, Write, Think to create and print your comic strip:  (15 points)


  1. Complete a job application to be a Disney Host Interactive (DHI), submit it to your teacher and complete a face-to-face mock job interview with your teacher.  (20 points)


  1. Using information gathered from the story and other research you will conduct, recreate your own map of the Magic Kingdom.  Include important places like Cinderella’s Castle, and each of the “lands”  represented in the Magic Kingdom.  (10 points)


  1. Infer:  Let your creative juices flow!  Based on information gathered from the text, write a newspaper article describing what would have happened if Finn and his friends failed and Malificent and the Overtakers had gained control of the Magic Kingdom.  (20 points)


  1. Character analysis:  Create a series of “Tweets” Finn might post to Twitter based on his adventures and interactions.  (10 points)




B Level Activities (Choose 30 points):

  1. Create a poster that can be displayed to advertise the book to your peers and make them want to read it.  You may create a digital poster online using Glogster:  This activity should be a personal summary and opinion about the book.  (10 points)


  1. Illustrate it!  Create a book cover for the book.  Your cover should include a picture and summary.  (10 points)


  1. Examine story elements:  Character, setting, plot, theme, and author’s purpose.  Create a flip book graphic organizer to discuss these elements and give an example of where each of the elements can be found in the book.  (15 points) 


  1. Act out a scene from the book with a partner or a group.  (15 points)


  1. Pretend you are a reporter.  Prepare a series of questions, 7 to 10, that could be used to interview Finn.  Your questions should reflect a breakdown of the story in major parts/events from beginning to end.  (15 points)


  1. Outline the story by creating a sequence of events.  You may use a graphic organizer such as the one provided at  (10 points)


  1. Identify the plot structure of the book using the Plot Diagram Interactive at  (10 points)


A Level Activites (Choose 30 points):

  1. Each of the Disney Host Interactives was chosen based on his or her qualities and characteristics.  Compare and contrast each DHI based on their qualities and characteristics.  You may use the interactive Compare and Contrast Map at (10 points)


  1. Create a video ad for the book that can be shown on ITV to advertise the book to your peers and encourage them to read it.    This video should be a personal summary of the book.  (10 points)


  1. Create and write a new ending for the book.  (15 points)


  1. Generate a letter to the author explaining how you feel about the book.  Justify your thoughts and ideas using examples from the book.  (10 points)


  1. Using the story as the theme, design and develop a board game complete with game board and players.  (15 points)


Grading Scale:

110 = 100%  100 -  109 = 95%  91 - 99 = 90%

81 - 90 = 85%   70 - 80 = 80%    60 - 69 = 75%

51 - 59 = 70%  45 - 50 = 65%   <45 = 50%