3500 B.C.-1700 B.C.
Miriam Berg
Olson Middle School
Woodstock, Illinois
Assignments that have a star* next to them are required!! Failure to
complete these assignments will result in 5 points off for each not
You must achieve at least 70 points in the C level in order to complete
work from the A or B levels.
3 points each
____1. *Read chapter 3 section 1 and do the section review questions.
(# 2-4)
____2. *Read chapter 3 section 2 and do the section review questions.
____3. *Read chapter 3 section 3 and do the section review questions.
____4. Complete 1 reading strategy of your choice to any of
the above listed sections.
5 points each
____5. Fill out a BINGO card with the _______ vocabulary
words from the list, get to know the meanings of the words, and hang
onto the card!!
____6. Play the BINGO game. Try to win!
____7. Listen and take notes on the lecture, The Rise of
____8. Listen and take notes on the lecture, Religious and
Family Life.
____9. Listen and take notes on the lecture, Priests and
____10. Listen and take notes on the lecture, Later Mesopotamian
____11. Listen and take notes on the lecture, Contributions.
____12. Watch the video, Mesopotamia~Return to Eden, and complete
the assignment.
____13. Create a mini poster (8 ½ X 11) highlighting how
religion, family life, and government played apart of Sumer (Only
use colored pencils!!)
____14. Create a mini model or a detailed floor plan of a
Ziggurat, using any materials.
(Only use colored pencils if choosing the floor plan!!)
____15. complete the fact sheet on the article, Sumer, Babylonia,
and Assyria.
____16. *Using the climate information packet, find 4 climate
characteristics of Mesopotamia and complete the climate web..
____17. Make an acrostic using the word “SUMERIANS”. Each letter
needs to represent a characteristic or fact about the Sumerians or
____18. Using the markers at the window, on one of the 4 panes,
make a list of differences and similarities of ancient
Sumerians and pre-historic man. You must have at least 5 of each in
your lists
8 Points each
____19. *Complete the detailed map of Mesopotamia
____ 20. Read the article on Sargon the Great. Write a 2-paragraph
summary of the article and attach a small colored picture retelling a
part of the article. (Only use colored pencils!!)
Choose one of the following for a maximum of 10 points. The assignment
should be turned in with your assignment sheet on the due date.
____1. Write a cohesive detailed paper (1/2 page typed or 1 page hand
written) free of spelling and grammar errors that COMPARES AND
CONTRASTS the region on of ancient Mesopotamia to its current geography.
____2.Make an illustrated, detailed timeline of Mesopotamia. Include AT
LEAST 10 events, dates, and a colored picture on the provided timeline
A-LEVEL Choose one of the
following for a maximum of 10 points. The assignment must be
turned in with the assignment sheet on the due date. You must do a “B”
level activity in order to complete an “A” level activity.
____1. The Sumerian people belonged to the first know civilizations on
earth. In a one-half page typed or a one full page written paper
describe some of the contributions to other civilizations they are
responsible for. Give examples and details. Name at least 3
____2. . Read the information on Gilgamesh and create a 8-square comic
strip which tells the important details/facts of his life. Some
information is provided for you, but further research will be
necessary. (Color is optional…use colored pencils if you are)
Take Home Assignments:
Assignment Date` Student
Initials Teacher initials