History Since 1865 – Review
Nancy Cooper
Veribest ISD
The purpose of this unit is to review key concepts learned in the first
part of American History. Information for this unit is contained in
your textbook chapters 2 – 7. This unit is worth 120
points, all 3 layers must be completed. Completing layer B and A
in lieu of an exam is no longer an option. At the end of this
unit, you should be able to answer the following questions:
1. There are 5 critical dates in early American
history, you need to know each date, and why it is significant: 1607,
1776, 1787, 1803, and 1861 – 1865.
2. What documents influenced the U.S. Constitution,
and in what way? How did representative government develop in the
3. What were the key issues and events surrounding
the American Revolution including the following: Declaration of
Independence, Articles of Confederation, Lexington and Concord,
Saratoga, Yorktown, and the Treaty of Paris?
4. What role did the following individuals play in
the creating of the U.S.?
a. George Washington
f. Samuel Adams
b. Thomas Jefferson
g. King George III
c. Benjamin Franklin
h. Marquis de Lafayette
d. James Madison
i. Thomas Paine
e. John Adams
5. As a new nation, what troubles did the United
States face?
6. How were colonial grievances addressed in the
Constitution and Bill of Rights
7. What were the Articles of Confederation and why
were they ineffective?
8. What was the impact of the Civil War amendments?
9. What events led to the Civil War, including the
issues over state’s rights and the Nullification Crisis?
You should also be able to define the following words:
English Bill of Rights
Federalist Magna
Mayflower Compact Nullification
Act inalienable
Locke’s Second Treatise Marbury v.
Monroe Doctrine Washington’s
Farewell Address
Bill of Rights
American Revolution
nullification Articles of
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Layer C - 100 points
· assignments with an asterisk next to them
must be completed
_______10 points* create a thematic map of the
13 colonies. Include the name of the Colony, who settled it, year
it was formed, and pictures indicating what they did for economic
_______5 points* Use a paper plate to create a pizza
wheel for the important dates, You must take a quiz and earn a
grade of 100% to get credit for this assignment.
_______10 points select and event on the time
line on pages 40 – 41. Learn more about this event, write a brief
1/2 – 1 page description on the impact this event had on American
_______10 points prepare a speech that a
recruiter working in an English town could use to recruit women for
life in one of the American colonies. The speech should
incorporate details about life in America, and information about the
geography and climate.
_______10 points Select an event from chapter
2. With a group, prepare a short reenactment of the event for the
_______10 points prepare a two minute speech about
the founders of one of the Colonies discussed in chapter 2.
_______10 points create flash cards for 20 of the
vocabulary cards on the previous page, be prepared to orally define 5
words at random
_______10 points* create an annotated timeline of the
battles of the American Revolution, include Lexington and
Concord, Saratoga, and Yorktown.
_______10 points create a chart of all the acts
passed by the British include the Year passed, what was taxed, and
colonist reaction
_______10 points* Complete the significant
individuals of the Revolution sheet
_______10 points Complete the Marbury v. Madison
_______10 points Complete question # 6 on page 167
_______10 points Plan a steamboat trip from Wheeling,
West Virginia to New Orleans, Louisiana. Draw in the states that
you will visit during your trip on a map. Label the major cities
on your route. How much money will your trip cost and what will
you need to bring. (the year is 1850)
_______10 points complete the Dred Scott v. Sanford
_______10 points* Complete the events leading to the
Civil War organizer.
_______10 points Find a speeches, editorials, and/or
political cartoons from the time
period 1848 –
1860. Analyze your selection making sure to
answer the
following questions:
1. Did issues for Northerners and Southerners change
over time, and if so, how?
2. Was conciliatory language ever used, and did the
tone and style used change over time?
3. At what point do you feel the sides were too far
apart to compromise?
_______10 points* The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments
are known as the Civil War Amendments. Memorize what each
amendment did, then write a paragraph explaining how each amendment
changed America
LAYER B – 10 points
Complete one of the following assignments:
1. With a group of 5, brainstorm a list of grievances
against the school. Select your top 5, combining similar
complaints into one. Debate and discuss the issues together, the
issue you agree on must be within the control of the principle to
change. Once you agree on an issue, work through the process of
choosing a representative to take your issue to the principle. Be
prepared on how you will react if the principle dismisses your
complaint, like it isn’t important. Report back to the class. How
was your grievance with the school addressed? Now, find 5
grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence. Look at the
U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights and explain how the colonial
grievances were rectified.
2. Create a model depicting one of the events in
chapter 3. Use the library and internet resources to locate
descriptions and drawings to help recreate the scene. Create a
handout to accompany your model.
3. Write a radio script for a “you are there” program
on the reaction of the public to the Dred Scott decision. Include
an introduction that provides background material, interviews with
lawyers, interviews with Dred Scott, John F. A. Sanford, and other
eyewitnesses. Broadcast your script to the rest of the class
LAYER A – Complete the following
activity for 10 points
1. Working with a partner, discuss the English Bill
of Rights, why was it developed and what fundamental rights were
granted under the bill? How did John Locke influence the
political thinking of his time? List the rights you believe all
Americans should have today. Identify which items on the list
relate the items found in the English Bill of Rights or the Theories of
John Locke? What is an unalienable right, and how are they
protected in the U.S. Constitution?