World History - Chapter
14/15 Rubrics
Nancy Gregg
Warrensburg, MO
Poster must
include at least 10 ways the Western hemisphere was affected and 10
ways Europe was affected by The Columbian Exchange. You will
be graded by correctness of information and creativity. 15
points possible
You will be graded on authenticity. 15 possible points
On one side of your note card place the term/people and the definition on the other. Be prepared to identify at least ten of these terms/people at your teacher’s discretion. 15 points possible
Request the proper template from your teacher. 10 points possible
Using the provided poster board provided, draw a map of the world. Trace the routes of each explorer. Include a compass rose and key to your map. 10 points possible
This project is worth more points but must be completed in detail. It should be at least 18” by 18”. You will be graded on authenticity and originality. 25 points possible
Your timeline should be on a small piece of poster board or completed on the computer and sent to the teachers . You must include at least 15 points. 10 points for correctness of information and 5 points for originality.
Include at
least 10 routes included. Include a key for your map, identify the
countries involved and the items being traded. You
will be graded for correctness of information, neatness and
originality. 10 points possible
Visit enter the Web Code. 10 points possible
B-2 This must be an original letter using correct letter form, either hand written or typed. You may use the ideas in the book but do not plagiarize. 15 points possible
Which of the following statements do you most agree with:
Show your results in a poster and graph.
15 points
Your poem may be a found poem, an acrostic poem, a rap or a regular rhyming poem. It must include at least 15 lines. 15 points possible
Your PPT
must include all of the items mentioned. You will be graded
on originality and correctness of information. You
must include text, pictures, color and animation. 20 points
Diagram and ½ page well written paragraph. 10 points possible
Your rap
must explain what happened to you and your family, your stay at one of
the holding “castles”
and your passage to the Americas. 15 points
Research an
African culture during the 1500or 1600s. Discuss their way of
life, their religious beliefs, government and their contributions to
the world. Your report must be at least 2 pages long and your
sources must be cited. 25 points
Your game must include at least 25 questions and answers. Get the template from your teacher.
Primary sources are##################
Summarize each source in at least a 6 sentence paragraph.
Your PPT must include at least 20 slides, be well organized, have correct information, the slides must include color and text as well at pictures. 25 points