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Math - Fractions, Decimals & Percents

Pat Daniels

Gililland Middle School, Tempe, AZ



Due Date:__________________


To change a fraction to a decimal

To change a fraction to a percent

To change a decimal to a fraction

To change a percent to a fraction

To learn the 13 basic fraction/decimal/percent equivalents

This is a 5 day unit with 100 points maximum. D= 40-55, C= 56-70, B= 71-85, A= 86+

Required work:

Listen to the daily lesson, take notes and participate in the discussion (5pts ea.)

Complete 3 of the 5 homework assignments before day 5 (5pts ea.)

Oral defense of your activity (2-5pts)

C LEVEL Maximum 70 points. Your choice of activities.

Homework assignments: (# 1-5)

1. Text P. 221 #1-17 all (5pts)

2. Text P. 223 #1-20 all (5pts)

3. Text P 225 #1-18 all (5pts)

4. Text P. 227 #1-10, 15-25 (5pts)

5. Unit review P. 228-229 even numbers 2-40 (5pts)

6. Make a poster showing the steps to change a fraction to a decimal and percent (10pts)

7. Design a bulletin board showing the steps to change a fraction to a decimal and percent (10pts)

8. Explain to a classmate or to me how to change a fraction to a decimal and percent (10 pts)

9. Make flashcards for the 13 basic fractions with their decimal and percent on the back. Learn them all and be prepared to tell me 6 of them (2 pts ea.)(12 pts)

10. Make a mobile showing fractions with their decimal and percent equivalent (10pts)

11. Practice 3 times with the Number Munchers-Fractions on the computer and keep track of your score to report to me (10 pts)

12. Using the white boards, teach a classmate how to change half of the 13 basic fractions to a decimal to a percent and back again (5pts)

13. Watch the fraction video, take notes and be prepared to answer 3 questions from me about it (10 pts)

14. Complete 3 0f the 5 worksheets (5pts ea.)

15. Complete the math packet and take either an oral quiz or a 10 problem written quiz (10 pts)

16. Take the Unit quiz (10 pts)

B LEVEL Maximum 15 points; choose one activity

1. Take the Fraction, decimal percent test with a score of 72%

2. Prepare a 10-minute videotape of yourself teaching this unit. Choose 1 adult or family member to listen to it and have them complete 5 problems of your choosing.

3. Construct a timed test with 20 problems. Choose 2 or 3 classmates to complete the tests and time them three times during the week. Using a bar graph, show their progress in percent form and explain their success to me.

4. Write a story about Freddie the fraction becoming Pedro the percent or Daniel the decimal. Or tape the story as you tell it. Draw an illustration for this or design the book cover.

A LEVEL Maximum 20 points; choose one activity

1. What is the best way to present numerical information in today's world? As fractions, decimals or percents? Support your position with 2-3 examples. Interview 3-4 adults and 1-2 classmates to get their views on this question. Write a ½ page summary to support your findings.

2.1 Look in magazines or newspapers for 5-7 store ads that use percents and convert them to decimals and fractions. Determine the amount of savings for these ads. Rewrite the ads using fractions instead and ask 2 adults which is the better deal, the fraction or percent sale and why. Record their responses and be prepared to explain it to me.