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Colonial America and Roots of Government

by Cathy Phelps and Kerry Blocker

Brockport, NY


Unit 1: Laying the Foundation


Objective: Identify 50 States and the major geographic features, regions, and political representation.

Time allotment: 45 minutes. Resources: Textbook pages 950 and 951, United States Data Bank (provided), Geography and American history articles(provided), overhead of physical features.

Task: Label map provided using criteria listed on map of United States worksheet.

Point Value: 10 points. Total Points earned_______

Colonial America

Objective: To understand the causes and effects of European colonization on North America. Time allotment: 85 minutes. Resources: Chart: Founding of the Colonies, Reading: From Colonies to Independent States, Map of 13 colonies.

Task: Class volunteers read aloud From Colonies to Independent States, using information from the reading divide the map of 13 colonies into 3 separate regions (New England, Middle, and Southern) then answer the following questions for each region:

1. Why did the Europeans settle in this area?

2. Who were the people involved in this settlement?

3. What was the government structure in the region, and how was it determined?

4. Were the colonists citizens of the mother country?

5. How did the colonies survive economically?

6. How did the northern government structure differ from the southern government structure? Why?

7. What was the colonies political and economic relationship with the mother country?

Point Value: 15 points. Total Points earned_______

Roots of Government

Objective: Identify the influences and events that led to the formation of the United States and our democratic form of government.

Time Allotment: 85 minutes Resources: Notes given by teacher, Declaration of Independence worksheet, Declaration of Independence: Analyzing the Document worksheet.

Task: Use textbook to complete Declaration of Independence worksheet and analyzing the document worksheet. When finished with this task move onto the next task.

Point Value: 20 points Total Points earned_______

Time Allotment: 85 minutes Resources: Chapter 5 guided reading, Activity 8: Articles of Confederation, North America in 1783 worksheet.

Task: Using notes, your textbook, and knowledge of U.S. history complete the chapter 5 guided reading, activity 8: Articles of Confederation, and North America in 1783 worksheet.

Point Value: 20 points Total Points earned_______

To complete the C-layer you must now take a quiz. You have 2 options you may come see us and take an oral quiz, or you may take a written quiz. Both options must be done in class, during advisement, or after school.

Hint: To be successful on the quiz you must first be able to answer or respond to the objectives given to you for the unit. For example: We may ask you to identify a state from each region of the United States.

Point Value: 10 points Total Points earned______

***********Options (Choose only one)*************** 5 Points

1. Make flashcards of terms Mayflower compact Salutary Neglect House of Burgesses Stamp Act Quartering Act Intolerable Act First Continental Congress Common Sense (Thomas Paine) Articles of Confederation

2. Make a timeline of events leading to the American Revolution including at least 3 visuals

3. Identify 5 important people and their contribution to the development of the Unites States of America from colonial times to the American Revolution

4. Watch a video segment and answer questions (this must be done during advisement or after school)

5. Create a poster depicting daily life in a colonial town. Identify the location of your town and include social and economic aspect.

Congratulations!!!! You are now moving onto higher-level thinking!!!! To complete this unit at a B or A layer you will have a choice of activities to complete. These activities will need to be completed as homework. You will NOT be given class time to complete B or A options. However, if you complete C-layer requirements during class time you may work on B or A layer options. When you have completed your options please hand them into the basket to be graded. * All work for A and B layer is due on or before the unit test is given. This means the work is due at the BEGINNING of the period!


1. Acrostic Poem of causes the causes of the American Revolution (use at least 4 causes include one s, p, and e cause)

2. Write a letter to a relative in England describing your life in the colonies and why you support the Boston Tea Party.

3. Create a diary entry for July 4, 1776 (the day the Declaration of Independence was signed) from the perspective of one of the following: a. Woman b. Free Black c. Slave d. Patriot e. Loyalist f. Indian (Native American)

4. Create Venn diagram comparing and contrasting New England colonies and Southern Colonies

5. Explain how religious tolerance developed in the colonies

6. Choose one deficiency (problem) of the Articles of Confederation and explain how it led to Shay's Rebellion.


* A-layer work should reflect in-depth analysis and thought processes. When working at this level critical thinking is necessary. It is beyond the scope of simple identification or definition. It requires you to THINK about the question or task and evaluate issues or events.

1. You are a Patriot in the Sons of Liberty. Justify the colonists reactions to British colonial rule (S,P,E) (Boston Tea party, Boston Massacre, Committees of correspondence, Revolution)

2. You are a Loyalist living in the colonies. Justify Britain's actions toward the colonies (P,E) (Intolerable Acts, Stamp Act, Writs of Assistance, Quartering Act)

3. The Colonists lost the war!! Thomas Jefferson is put on trial for treason for writing the Declaration of Independence. You are assigned as his defense attorney. Prepare an opening statement for the jury summarizing his justification as a British citizen for writing the Declaration.

4. You are an opponent of the Articles of Confederation. Write an editorial to your local newspaper critiquing the Articles of Confederation and offer an alternative solution to the problems facing the United States.