Matter and Atoms 

Shonna Schrock
6th Grade Science and Social Studies
Eagle's Nest

Layer C - 70-79 points                                          ______________Name 

_____ 1. Lecture notes. (5 pts) 

_____ 2. Vocabulary flashcards. (10 pts) 

_____ 3.   KWL foldable – What I know about atoms.  What I would like to learn. 

            What I have learned.  (10 pts) 

_____ 4. Design and sing a song about the periodic table.  (20 pts) 

_____ 5.   Choose 10 atoms and compute the atomic mass and number of an atom.

            (10 pts) 

_____ 6.   Design your own periodic table from a blank periodic table.  Must be

            Properly labeled with atomic number, atomic name, and symbol. (20 pts) 

_____ 7. Design a “Candy Periodic Table” out of real candy.  Your table must

            Include the first four rows of elements.  (25 pts) 

Layer B – Choose 5 

_____ 11. Lab:  Design your own ship.   (15 pts) 

_____ 12.   Matter and Atom Vocabulary Lab.  (10 pts) 

_____ 13. Rainbow Lab.  (10 pts) 

_____ 14.   Periodic Table Character.  (10 pts) 

_____ 15.   Sweet Sixteen Lab.  (10 pts) 

_____ 16.   Physical or Chemical change lab.  (5 pts) 

_____ 17.   Observing a nail in a carbonated drink.  (10 pts) 

_____ 18.   Testing ph using natural indicators.  (10 pts) 

_____ 19.   Mystery mixture. (10 pts) 

Layer A- Chose One 

_____ 20.   Choose an element off the periodic table and design an ad to sell the

_____ 21.  Make a display (poster board) of samples or pictures of several (4 or more

___ 22.   Make a model of an atom. 

________23.  Write a diamond poem about physical and chemical changes. Pg 84