Scientific Method, LAB Safety, and Metric System
Shonna Schrock
6th Grade Science and Social Studies
Eagle's Nest
Layered Classroom
Name: _____________________
Layer C
– Student must earn 70-79 points
____ 1. Make a vocabulary
book with 15 words and definitions about lab safety and
the scientific method. Include pictures. (15 pts.)
____ 2. Take notes on
the Scientific Method. (5 pts)
____ 3. Make a poster of a flow chart showing how the Scientific Method works. Explain each step. (ART PROJECT) (20pts.)
____ 4. Make a poster for the different types of safety symbols.
(ART PROJECT) (20pts.)
____ 5. Write a song
that helps you memorize the Scientific Method. Perform it for
at least 2 people. (10 pts.)
____ 6. Complete the note
taking sheets for Chapter 1 . (20 pts)
____ 7. Write a crossword
puzzle using any 20 vocabulary words from scientific method, safety,
and the metric system. Exchange with a buddy. (10 pts.)
____ 8. Complete the reinforcement
sheets for Chapter 1 and 2. (20 pts)
____ 9. List the scientific
method in order. Oral Defense. (5 pts.)
____ 10. Complete the
note taking sheets for Chapter 2. (20 pts)
____ 11. Take notes on
the Measurement. (5 pts )
Layer B
– Student must complete 3 of the following: A lab sheet will be turned
in with each
____ 12. M&M lab.
(10 pts.)
____ 13. Sponge Bob lab.
(10 pts.)
____ 14. Which detergent
makes the largest bubble? Lab (10 pts.)
____ 15. Aunt Flossie
and the Bumblebee Lab. (10 pts.)
____ 16. Does it all add
up? Lab (10 pts.)
____ 17. Smile Metric
style Lab. (10 pts.)
____ 18. Activity on Measurement.
(10 pts.)
____ 19. Learning how
to graph correctly. (10 pts.)
Layer A
– Student must complete 2 of the following:
____ 20. Papering the
skies with the Scientific Method. LAB (20 pts.)
____ 21. Create your
own “bad science” cartoon, bumper sticker, or poster to illustrate
the safety rules. (Art Project). (20 pts.)
____ 22. Survey members
of your class (at least 8) on their favorite music and construct a bar
graph, circle graph, and a line graph to show the results. Data Table
(20 pts.)
____ 23. Watch an
episode of CSI. Write up a lab report based on the characters problem/question,
hypothesis, materials used in the investigation, the step by step procedure
used in the investigation, the data that is collected and the conclusion
that is come to based on the evidence. Lab
____ 24. Make a model
of the classroom. Draw pictures or photos of the room. Use paper cut
outs to represent classroom structures. Pay attention to scale. Ask
someone how well the model represents the classroom and how the classroom
could be arrange differently for more space. Model (20 pts.)
______25. Write5 paragraphs of 3 examples of science in your everyday life.
Writing (20pts)