Steve Hill
Adele C. Young Intermediate School
Brigham City, UT

Name _______________________________________________ Score ________ 

Cell Unit Assignment
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C-Level Assignments 

To complete this portion of the assignment, you must earn 130 points.

Assignment Score
Watch four cell movies.  List five different things you learned from each movie. (10 points)  
Make vocabulary flash cards for each vocabulary word. (10 points)  
Complete the “Organelle Synonym Graphic Organizer” for each organelle. (10 points)  
Using Discovery Channel PuzzleMaker, make a criss-cross puzzle and have four students complete it. (10 points)  
Using a diagram of an animal cell, draw and color a picture of an animal cell.  Identify each organelle and its function. (10 points)  
Using a diagram of a plant cell, draw and color a picture of a plant cell.  Identify each organelle and its function. (10 points)  
Complete a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting a eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell. (10 points)  
Complete a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting a plant & animal cell. (10 points)  
Complete seven (7) cell worksheets. (10 points)  
Write a song that teaches cell organelles and their function.

(10 points)

Write a paragraph that compares and contrasts osmosis and diffusion. (10 points)  
Write a poem about cell organelles. (10 points)  
Write a poem about cell functions. (10 points)  
Assignment Score
Draw a diagram that illustrates osmosis and diffusion. (10 points)  
Make an illustrated vocabulary book with the Cell Unit Vocabulary.

(10 points)

Read two books on cells.  List ten things you learned from the books.

(10 points)

Listen to two books on tape.  Be prepared to explain ten things you learned from the books. (10 points)  
Design a bulletin board about cell function. (10 points)  
Make a “Tour the Cell” game. (10 points)  
Draw a funny cartoon that includes at least three cell organelles.

(10 points)

With two other classmates, present a play that teaches about the organelles of a cell. (10 points)  
Write a news article explaining cell functions. (10 points)  
Make a Cell Analogies collage. (10 points)  
Make a torn paper model of a plant or animal cell. (10 points)  
Make a mobile with drawings of cell organelles. (10 points)  
Read The Life of a Cell by Andres Llamas Ruiz and do a book report using four (4) pyramid graphic organizers. (10 points)  

B-Level Assignments 

To complete this portion of the assignment, you must earn 120 points. 

Assignment Score
Make a 3-D model of a plant or animal cell. (30 points)  
      Assignment Score
Using balloons, design an experiment that demonstrates diffusion.

(30 points)

Working with one (1) partner, make a movie demonstrating osmosis and diffusion using Microsoft Movie Maker. (30 points)  
Using vegetables, design an experiment that demonstrates osmosis.

(30 points)

Using dialysis tubing, design an experiment that visually demonstrates diffusion. (30 points)  
Complete the “Cell City Project.” (30 points)  
Using a glass, colored water, salt, and dried peas, design two experiments that demonstrate osmosis. (30 points)  
Using yeast, demonstrate how a cell gives off CO2 (carbon dioxide) as a waste product.  (30 points)  

A-Level Assignments 

To complete this portion of the assignment, you must earn 100 points. 

Assignment Score
Research how we learned about the cell.  Identify key people and their discoveries.  Make a time line with names and dates using at least two sources.   
Compare red blood cells and another cell in the body.  Explain how they're they alike and how they’re different? Use at least 2 sources.  
Research a one-celled eukaryotic organism, like yeast, protozoan, or algae.  Compare these one-celled organisms with cells that are part of a multicellular plant or animal.  Include drawings, and a record of your findings.  Use at least 2 sources.  
Research the stem cell issue.  Answer the following questions: do embryonic stem cells represent a human life; when does life begin?; should the embryo or fetus have any rights in the matter; who has the authority to decide?  Present both sides of the issue.  Then, share your opinion on this issue.  

Website for A-Level assignment one 

Websites for A-Level assignment three