Steve Zimmerman
Blue Mountain High School
Teacher/Gifted Program Coordinator

Unit 10: Central and South America 

Unit Length: 12 days  Unit Points:120  Rate = 10 points per day

Selections in bold are required of all students. Items marked * do not require oral assessment. Items marked ** are required of all students. Items past due dates cannot be returned to. One oral assessment per day only. A and B layer do not count as assessments.

C Layer (Maximum 96 points)


(6)  _____ 1. Lecture 1 – “Geography of Latin America”.

(12)_____ 2. Complete the physical/political maps and answer 10 questions correctly.

(8)  _____  3. Textbook reading pp. 439-447. Answer 4 teacher questions correctly.

*(15)_____ 4. Make a diorama or model of one of the following South American regions - the Amazon

(6)   _____ 7. Nations of Central and South America lineup.


(15) _____ 8. Translate this page into a foreign language found in the region. Use rubric.

(5)   _____ 9. Go to Choose a nation from the region and then click on “public

(8)   _____ 10. Read textbook pp 464-469 and 486-492 on cultural life in the Americas and answer 4

(10) _____  13. Use the Language disks to learn a language from the region.


(6)   _____ 13. Lecture 2 – “Colonization and Independence”


*(10)  _____ 21. Make a poster that draws attention to a current problem in a nation from the region. Use rubric.



(6)   _____ 23. Lecture 4 – “Problems Confronting Third World Nations Today”. See rubric.

(8)   _____ 24. Read textbook pages 511-515 and answer 4 teacher directed questions.


(10) _____  27. Latin American Crossword Puzzle. Complete and answer 8 questions.

(12) _____  28. Graphic organizer worksheet and answer 4 questions.

(10) _____  29. Scavenger hunt. Answer 4 questions.

(6) _____ 30. “The Amazon Rain Forest” worksheet. Complete, then answer 3 questions. 

**(25) _____  31. Unit 10 Test. 25 questions.

B Layer Choose only one. 12 points

_____  2. Teach a dance step from Central or South America. See rubric.

_____  3. Find and conduct an interview with a person from a nation in the region. Find out what their life is

_____  4. Construct a Travel Guide for a nation of the region that will send me on a 10-day trip of your design. I

A Layer Choose only one. 12 points. Use an A Layer Sheet.

_____ 1. Should the US keep illegal Mexican immigrants from crossing the US-Mexico border?

_____ 2. Should the US end its trade embargo on Cuba?

_____ 3. Which is more important, protecting the rainforest or providing jobs/space for the people of Brazil?

_____ 4. Work with a partner to prepare a “Next Century Report” on a nation from the region.

Grade Levels:

F = 0 – 83  D=84 – 90  C=91 – 100  B=101 – 110  A=111-120

Central and South America Schedule

Day 1 – Lecture 1 (Geography), Geography assessments

Day 2 – Geography assessments

Day 3 – Culture assessments

Day 4 – Culture assessments

Day 5 – Lecture 2 (History), History assessments

Day 6 – History assessments

Day 7 – Lecture 3 (Politics), Politics assessments

Day 8 – Politics assessments

Day 9 – Lecture 4 (Economics), Economics assessments

Day 10 – Economics assessments

Day 11 – Miscellaneous assessments

Day 12 – Unit 10 Test only (no other C assessments), A and B Layers due.