Unit 10: Central and South America
Unit Length: 12 days Unit Points:120 Rate = 10 points per day
Selections in bold are required of all students. Items marked * do not require oral assessment. Items marked ** are required of all students. Items past due dates cannot be returned to. One oral assessment per day only. A and B layer do not count as assessments.
(6) _____ 1. Lecture 1 – “Geography of Latin America”.
(12)_____ 2. Complete the physical/political maps and answer 10 questions correctly.
(8) _____ 3. Textbook reading pp. 439-447. Answer 4 teacher questions correctly.
*(15)_____ 4. Make a diorama or model of one of the following South American regions - the Amazon
rainforest, Andes Mts, Patagonia, or the Pampas.
*(5) _____ 5. Make a list of 10 questions based on any of the material on pp. 439-447. Questions must call for more than a “yes/no” answer.
*(15)_____ 6. Make a powerpoint presentation that takes the viewer on a tour of the major geographic features of Central/South America.
(15) _____ 8. Translate this page into a foreign language found in the region. Use rubric.
(5) _____ 9. Go to www.executiveplanet.com. Choose a nation from the region and then click on “public
behavior”. Demonstrate 10 acceptable/unacceptable behaviors in a country of your choice from the region or answer 5 teacher questions.
(8) _____ 10. Read textbook pp 464-469 and 486-492 on cultural life in the Americas and answer 4
teacher directed questions.
*(10)_____ 11. Make a poster of 20 famous people from Central and South America. Include their names,
nationality, and accomplishment. Use rubric.
*(10) _____ 12. Make a menu of Latin American foods. Include 3 different recipes for each of the following:
chicken, beef, fish/shellfish, vegetables, beverages, desserts, snacks/appetizers. Include the country of origin for each dish. Use rubric.
(10) _____ 13. Use the Language disks to learn a language from the region.
(6) _____ 13. Lecture 2 – “Colonization and Independence”
(10) _____ 14. Read Global Mosaic pp 457-474 on Colonization and Independence and answer 5 teacher
*(12)_____ 15. Make a poster of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations. Include a map, dates of existence, 3
interesting facts about each, and the cause of their demise. Use rubric.
(8) _____ 16. Complete the worksheets “Cause and Effect” and “Devastation of the Indies”. Answer 3
teacher questions
*(10) _____ 17. Watch the video “Machu Piccu” and write a 1 paragraph synopsis of what was shown.
(6) _____ 18. Lecture 3 – “United States and Latin America”
(9) _____ 19. Choose 3 current events articles from the folder, read and summarize orally or in writing.
(15) _____ 20. Read and outline the textbook pages 481-485 and 505-511. Present outline to teacher, then use it to answer 4 teacher directed questions.
*(10) _____ 21. Make a poster that draws attention to a current problem in a nation from the region. Use rubric.
(10) _____ 22. Watch the video “Chasing El Norte”. Answer 3 questions or summarize in writing.
(6) _____ 23. Lecture 4 – “Problems Confronting Third World Nations Today”. See rubric.
(8) _____ 24. Read textbook pages 511-515 and answer 4 teacher directed questions.
*(10) _____25. Make a poster that compares the US and the nations of Mexico, El Salvador, Brazil, and
Bolivia in the following categories: population, literacy rates, per capita GDP, life expectancy, televisions per person. Use rubric.
(10) _____ 26. Make flashcards of the Unit terms. Identify 10 through questioning.
(10) _____ 27. Latin American Crossword Puzzle. Complete and answer 8 questions.
(12) _____ 28. Graphic organizer worksheet and answer 4 questions.
(10) _____ 29. Scavenger hunt. Answer 4 questions.
(6) _____ 30. “The Amazon
Rain Forest” worksheet. Complete, then answer 3 questions.
**(25) _____ 31. Unit 10 Test. 25 questions.
_____ 1. In a group of 4, prepare a meal from one of the following nations - Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, Columbia, or Peru. See rubric.
_____ 2. Teach a dance step from Central or South America. See rubric.
_____ 3. Find and conduct an interview with a person from a nation in the region. Find out what their life is
like as a citizen of that nation, their views on some current issues in their nation, and what their view of the United States is and why. All questions should probe for more than yes/no answers. 15 questions minimum. See rubric.
_____ 4. Construct a Travel Guide for a nation of the region that will send me on a 10-day trip of your design. I
want to know where I’m going on each day, what I am going to be seeing and why, the route I am going to take (map), and a small list of 5 do’s and 5 don’ts that I should be aware of for my trip. All info should be in your own words.
_____ 1. Should the US keep illegal Mexican immigrants from crossing the US-Mexico border?
_____ 2. Should the US end its trade embargo on Cuba?
_____ 3. Which is more important, protecting the rainforest or providing jobs/space for the people of Brazil?
_____ 4. Work with a partner to prepare a “Next Century Report” on a nation from the region.
Grade Levels:
F = 0 – 83 D=84 – 90 C=91 – 100 B=101 – 110 A=111-120
Central and South America Schedule
Day 1 – Lecture 1 (Geography), Geography assessments
Day 2 – Geography assessments
Day 3 – Culture assessments
Day 4 – Culture assessments
Day 5 – Lecture 2 (History), History assessments
Day 6 – History assessments
Day 7 – Lecture 3 (Politics), Politics assessments
Day 8 – Politics assessments
Day 9 – Lecture 4 (Economics), Economics assessments
Day 10 – Economics assessments
Day 11 – Miscellaneous assessments
Day 12 – Unit 10 Test only (no other C assessments), A and B Layers due.