Steve Zimmerman
Blue Mountain High School
Teacher/Gifted Program Coordinator

Unit Length: 12 days     Unit Total Points: 110     

Items in bold will appear on the Unit Test. Unit Test will be given on Day 12. Items marked with * do not require oral assessment. A and B do not count as an assessment.

C Layer (Maximum 88 points)

(5) _____ 1. Watch the short video East Asia (approx. 10 minutes), take notes, and be prepared to

(5) _____ 2. Go to the website and read the sections on Conversation and Public

(5) _____ 3. Go to the website and take the test to determine if you can

(6) _____ 4. Give me a 1 to 2-minute persuasive speech on the topic “China’s One Child Policy”.

(6) _____ 5. Go to Click on China and learn enough

(6) _____ 6. Read “Philosophy” on p. 330-333. Answer 3 questions. You may use an outline/note sheet.

*(6) _____ 7. Go to the website, get a printout of your

(6) _____ 8. Lecture 1 – “Geography of China”. Answer 3 questions.

(6) _____ 9. Lecture 2 – “Ancient China”. Answer 3 questions.

(6) _____ 10. Lecture 3 – “Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism”. Answer 3 questions. (6)

(6) _____ 11. Lecture 4 – “Communist China”. Answer 3 questions.

(6) _____ 12. Lecture 5 – “People of China”. Answer 3 questions.

(8) _____ 13. Lecture 6 – “Current Controversies”. Answer 4 questions.

(8) _____ 14. Read “International Affairs” p. 364-368. Answer 4 questions. You may use an outline/notes.

(8) _____ 15. Read Geography p 323-327. Answer 3 questions. You may use an outline or note sheet.

(10)_____ 16. Read 327 – 329 and 337-343 on the Dynasties and Achievements of China. Answer 4 questions.

(10)_____ 17. Read “Economic Development” on pp. 354-359. Answer 4 questions. You may use an

(10)_____ 18. East Asia Map. Complete the map and be quizzed on 8 locations.

(10)_____ 19. Complete the crossword puzzle of 20 important people, places, and events from Chinese

*(10)_____ 20. Make a poster that displays at least 15 of the major achievements/inventions of the Chinese.

(10)_____ 21. Make flashcards of the China Vocab terms. Get 8 right when quizzed.

*(10)_____ 22. Read these selections (#2, #13, #57, #76, #77, #78) from Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching. Use an “I

(10)_____ 23. Use the Language CD on the computer to learn to say and/or identify 15 words/phrases in a

(10)_____ 24. Watch the video “Great Wall” and complete the video worksheet.

(10)_____ 25. Watch the video “China: Family Values” and complete the video worksheet.

(10)_____ 26. Watch the video “Achievements of China” and complete the video worksheet.

*(10)_____ 27. Write a 2 paragraph editorial for a newspaper in which you criticize/support the US companies

*(10)_____ 28. Make a detailed list of 20 Chinese products that can be found in the US today. Include the

*(10)_____ 29. Make a menu of Chinese cooking. The menu should be for 5 days and should highlight the

(10)_____ 30. Play the computer game “Mah Jongg”. Learn how the game is played, and what the tiles

*(10)_____ 31. Make a poster that shows the different types of martial arts that developed in China. Give

(10)_____ 32.Student designed activity as per teacher approval. 10 points maximum.

(12)_____ 33. Read the poem “Ode of Mulan”, view the Disney movie “Mulan”. and find at least 10 similarities

(15)_____ 34. Make an illustrated children’s book that teaches 1 of the wise sayings of Confucius/Lao-tsu. Use

*(20)_____ 35. Build a model of a section of the Great Wall of China. Include a picture of the section you are

(30)_____ 36. China Test, given on Day 12. (30)

B Layer – Choose one. Not an assessment. Due by last day of unit.

(11) _____ 1. Conduct an interview with a student in China. Investigate at least the following areas –

(20) _____ 2. In a group of 4 or less, prepare a meal from China (main course, beverage, side dish, dessert) and

(11) _____ 3. Write a letter to the Chinese embassy. Address an issue of importance to you in regards to China.

(20) _____  4. Make a powerpoint presentation that will entice an outsider to visit China. Gear your presentation

(20) _____ 5. In a group of 4 or less, make a bulletin board that exposes a controversial issue in China today.

(11) _____ 6. Watch the video “Terra-cotta warriors”. Then design your own royal tomb and tell me what you

A Layer – Choose one. 11 points. Use A Layer Sheet. Not an assessment. Due by last day.

_____ 1. The US must defend Taiwan against China. Agree or Disagree.

_____ 2. China should keep its One Child Policy in place. Agree or Disagree.

_____ 3. Should American businesses, like Walmart, buy their products from China?

_____ 4. Should the United States be friendly toward China?

_____ 5. Should the Great Wall of China be called the greatest structure ever built? 

Grade Levels: F = 0 – 76  D= 77 – 82  C= 83 – 92  B= 93 - 101   A= 102 – 110