Unit 5: China
Unit Length: 12 days Unit Total Points: 110
Items in bold will appear on the Unit Test. Unit Test will be given on Day 12. Items marked with * do not require oral assessment. A and B do not count as an assessment.
(5) _____ 1. Watch the short video East Asia (approx. 10 minutes), take notes, and be prepared to
answer 2 questions.
(5) _____ 2. Go to the website www.executiveplanet.com and read the sections on Conversation and Public
Behavior. Demonstrate 10 or answer 5 questions.
(5) _____ 3. Go to the website http://www.alllooksame.com/ and take the test to determine if you can
tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese, Korean, et al. Be prepared to answer my questions about your experience.
(6) _____ 4. Give me a 1 to 2-minute persuasive speech on the topic “China’s One Child Policy”.
(6) _____ 5. Go to http://www.settlement.org/cp
about any of the topics there to give me a 1 to 2 minute lecture without using notes.(6)
(6) _____ 6. Read “Philosophy” on p. 330-333. Answer 3 questions. You may use an outline/note sheet.
*(6) _____ 7. Go to the
website http://www.mandarintools.com
name written in Chinese characters, then paint these symbols on a separate sheet of paper.
(6) _____ 8. Lecture 1 – “Geography of China”. Answer 3 questions.
(6) _____ 9. Lecture 2 – “Ancient China”. Answer 3 questions.
(6) _____ 10. Lecture 3 – “Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism”. Answer 3 questions. (6)
(6) _____ 11. Lecture 4 – “Communist China”. Answer 3 questions.
(6) _____ 12. Lecture 5 – “People of China”. Answer 3 questions.
(8) _____ 13. Lecture 6 – “Current Controversies”. Answer 4 questions.
(8) _____ 14. Read “International Affairs” p. 364-368. Answer 4 questions. You may use an outline/notes.
(8) _____ 15. Read Geography p 323-327. Answer 3 questions. You may use an outline or note sheet.
(10)_____ 16. Read 327 – 329 and 337-343 on the Dynasties and Achievements of China. Answer 4 questions.
You may use an outline or note sheet.
(10)_____ 17. Read “Economic Development” on pp. 354-359. Answer 4 questions. You may use an
outline/notes. (10)
(10)_____ 18. East Asia Map. Complete the map and be quizzed on 8 locations.
(10)_____ 19. Complete the crossword puzzle of 20 important people, places, and events from Chinese
*(10)_____ 20. Make a poster that displays at least 15 of the major achievements/inventions of the Chinese.
(10)_____ 21. Make flashcards of the China Vocab terms. Get 8 right when quizzed.
*(10)_____ 22. Read these selections (#2, #13, #57, #76, #77, #78) from Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching. Use an “I
prompt” to write a 2 paragraph reflection on the wisdom of what you read.
(10)_____ 23. Use the Language CD on the computer to learn to say and/or identify 15 words/phrases in a
language from the region.
(10)_____ 24. Watch the video “Great Wall” and complete the video worksheet.
(10)_____ 25. Watch the video “China: Family Values” and complete the video worksheet.
(10)_____ 26. Watch the video “Achievements of China” and complete the video worksheet.
*(10)_____ 27. Write a 2 paragraph editorial for a newspaper in which you criticize/support the US companies
that send their factories overseas to China.
*(10)_____ 28. Make a detailed list of 20 Chinese products that can be found in the US today. Include the
product name and company.
*(10)_____ 29. Make a menu of Chinese cooking. The menu should be for 5 days and should highlight the
cooking of Hunan, Szechuan, Canton, or Mongolia. Include a main course, side dish, appetizer, and beverage.
(10)_____ 30. Play the computer game “Mah Jongg”. Learn how the game is played, and what the tiles
represent. Teach me how to play, and beat the time limit given to earn the rest of your points. (10)
*(10)_____ 31. Make a poster that shows the different types of martial arts that developed in China. Give
information that distinguishes/separates the styles from each other. (10)
(10)_____ 32.Student designed activity as per teacher approval. 10 points maximum.
(12)_____ 33. Read the poem “Ode of Mulan”, view the Disney movie “Mulan”. and find at least 10 similarities
and/or differences between the two. Do this orally or in writing.
(15)_____ 34. Make an illustrated children’s book that teaches 1 of the wise sayings of Confucius/Lao-tsu. Use
the worksheet “Confucius/Lao” for sayings.
*(20)_____ 35. Build a model of a section of the Great Wall of China. Include a picture of the section you are
(30)_____ 36. China Test, given on Day 12. (30)
(11) _____ 1. Conduct an interview with a student in China. Investigate at least the following areas –
geography, climate, personal details, views of US, views toward China, 1 controversial issue, pastimes/holidays, school. Interview should be no less than 15 questions. Give me copies of your questions and the responses. Questions should reflect an understanding of Chinese culture.
(20) _____ 2. In a group of 4 or less, prepare a meal from China (main course, beverage, side dish, dessert) and
demonstrate the proper etiquette and customs in regards to eating. In addition, teach us about the cooking materials, methods, and recipes you used.
(11) _____ 3. Write a letter to the Chinese embassy. Address an issue of importance to you in regards to China.
See me for the Email address.
(20) _____ 4. Make a powerpoint presentation that will entice an outsider to visit China. Gear your presentation
towards one of the following people – a sports enthusiast, a nature lover, a family of 4, a geologist, a honeymoon couple.
(20) _____ 5. In a group of 4 or less, make a bulletin board that exposes a controversial issue in China today.
The bulletin board should factually inform, persuade the audience to support your position, and give an action they can take.
(11) _____ 6. Watch the video “Terra-cotta warriors”. Then design your own royal tomb and tell me what you
would stock it with and why.
A Layer – Choose one. 11 points. Use A Layer Sheet. Not an assessment. Due by last day.
_____ 1. The US must defend Taiwan against China. Agree or Disagree.
_____ 2. China should keep its One Child Policy in place. Agree or Disagree.
_____ 3. Should American businesses, like Walmart, buy their products from China?
_____ 4. Should the United States be friendly toward China?
_____ 5. Should the Great Wall
of China be called the greatest structure ever built?
Grade Levels: F = 0 – 76 D= 77 – 82 C= 83 – 92 B= 93 - 101 A= 102 – 110