Unit 21 and
23: Europe in Revolution – Unit Sheet
Steve Ritter
Clinton, MO
Test Date:
___________________ Name: ______________________________
Point Values: 120-139 =
D 140-159 = C 160-179 = B 180+ = A
C Layer:
Day 1: (15 points max.) Points Earned: ________
_____1. Take notes over lecture (5 points)
_____ 2. Create a poster (comp. paper) that shows the structure of the Estates General (10 points)
_____ 3. Watch video over French Revolution – Part 1, and complete quiz (10 points)
_____ 4. Complete worksheet
(10 points)
Day 2: (15 points max.) Points Earned:
_____ 1. Take notes over lecture (5 points)
_____ 2. Watch video over French Revolution – Part 2, and complete quiz (10 points)
_____ 3. Complete questions in the textbook on page 583 (5 points)
_____ 4. Make a timeline of French Revolution (10 points)Rubric
_____ 5. Make a model of the
guillotine and be prepared to explain its use (10 points)
Day 3: (15 points max.) Points Earned:
_____ 1. Take notes over lecture (5 points)
_____ 2. Create a chart that provides evidence of Napoleon as a good leader and a bad leader (10 points)Rubric
_____ 3. Complete the Guided
Reading worksheet from 23.3 (10 points)
Day 4: (15 points max.) Points Earned:
_____ 1. Take notes over lecture (5 points)
_____ 2. Compare and contrast the two sides in the English Civil War (10 points)
_____ 3. Create a mobile including the sides in the E.C.W. and people on each side (10 points)
_____ 4. Complete the Guided
Reading worksheet 21.5 (10 points)
Day 5: (20 points max.) Points Earned:
_____ 1. Create a chart
comparing and contrasting at least 5 leaders from Chapters 21 and 23
into the following categories: country, style of government, major
policies, enemies/wars, most well known for (20 points)Rubric
Days 6 and 7: Choose 20 Points worth of assignments Points Earned:
_____ 1. Complete the History-Maker worksheet over Marie Antoinette OR Maximilien Robespierre (10 points)
_____ 2. Complete the Connections Across Time and Cultures Worksheet (10 points)
_____ 3. Complete 2 of the 4 critical thinking questions on page (10 points)
_____ 4. Complete the
geography activity (10 points)
B Layer:
Day 8, 9 and 10: Choose 4 at 15 points each Points Earned:
_____ 1. Compose and prepare to perform a song about the legacy of Napoleon RUBRIC
_____ 2. In a group of no more than 4 create a video news program about the French Revolution RUBRIC
_____ 3. Create a board game highlighting the revolutions and leaders of Europe during this time RUBRIC
_____ 4. Prepare a food and bring the recipe to class from this period RUBRIC
_____ 5. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation over the English Civil War RUBRIC
_____ 6. Create a “Book on Tape” that outlines and explains the key concepts of one of the lecture. Please put onto CD. If you need to burn the CD bring one and it can be done on Mr. Ritter’s computer.
_____ 7. Campaign poster supporting Robespierre and the Reign of Terror RUBRIC
_____ 8. Write a letter to a friend comparing and contrasting Napoleon to another leader during this era. RUBRIC
_____ 9. Flashcards RUBRIC
_____ 10. Create a crossword
puzzle using 15 key terms from Chapter 21 and have someone try to
complete it. RUBRIC
A Layer:
Day 11 and 12: Choose 2 at 20 points each Points Earned:
_____1. Evaluate this statement “Citizens have the right to revolt when the government is not meeting the needs of the people.” Be sure to show both sides and give your opinion. (1-2 pages) NN
_____ 2. Find newspaper articles on revolutions or changes in government. Analyze both the revolutions we are studying and the revolutions or changes happening today. Show similarities and differences. NN
_____ 3. 1 Page Essay – “The Heads of State in the democratic world have too much influence over a nation” NN
_____ 4. 1 page Essay –
“Does the U.S. Congress accurately portray the citizens?” Make
any comparisons to the Estates General from French history.
Total Points Earned:
__________ / 200
Parent Signature: 5 points
extra credit if total points listed.