Steve Zimmerman
Blue Mountain High School
Teacher/Gifted Program Coordinator

Unit 8 –Middle East

Length: 11 days       Total Points = 100       

Bold Faced assignments will appear on the C-Layer Test. One assessment per day only. A and B Layer do not count towards assessment. Refer to rubrics for grading specifics. Items marked * do not require oral assessment. Items marked with ** are required of all students. 

C Level Assignments: (Maximum of 60 points prior to test, 80 points total)

(12) _____ 1. Complete the Physical and Political Maps of the Middle East and identify 10

*(10) _____ 2. Make a poster that displays the landforms found in the following regions:

*(15) _____ 3. Compose a 2 page diary that details a fictitious trip you took to the Middle East.

(8) ______ 4. Read Global Mosaic, pp. 550-556 (Geography) and answer 4 teacher directed

(10) ______ 5. Lecture “Geography and Early History of the Middle East”. Answer 3

(8) ______ 6. Read Global Mosaic pp. 563-566 (Judaism and Christianity). 4 teacher questions.

(10) _____ 7. Lecture – “Judaism and Christianity”. Answer 3 teacher questions.

(10) _____ 8. Lecture – “Islam”. 3 questions.

(8) ______ 9. Read Global Mosaic pp. 569-571 and 580-583 (Islam). 4 teacher questions. 8 pts

(10) _____ 10. Pick 10 questions from the book “What everyone needs to know about Islam”,

(10) _____ 11. Complete the Venn diagram “Three Religions Comparison” and answer 3

(10) _____ 12. Lecture “Modern Problems in the Middle East”. Answer 3 questions.

*(5) ______ 13. Find and make copies of 5 current events (within past 6 months) articles that

(9) ______ 14. Read 3 current events articles on the Middle East, then summarize each orally.

*(8) _____ 15. Read the articles “What does the Koran say about Nasreen’s nose ring?” and

(8) ______ 16. Make flashcards of the Middle East terms. Answer 8 questions.

*(15) _____ 17. Using pp 580-583, construct a “Lifestyles of the Middle East” booklet. Illustrate

(10) _____ 18. Middle East Crossword Puzzle. Answer 8 questions

*(6) ______ 19. Construct a questionnaire that can be given to a person of the Jewish, Christian,

(8) ______ 20. Watch the ABC news short documentary “The Hajj”. Answer 3 questions.

(10) _____ 21. Watch the Lonely Planet video “Iran”, or “Israel”. Answer 3 teacher questions.

(10) _____ 22. Watch the video entitled “Hajj: Journey of a lifetime” Answer 3 questions.

(4) ______ 23. Learn and demonstrate 8 proper behaviors/customs of a country from the region.

*(20) _____ 24. Make a PowerPoint presentation that takes us on a tour of 8 “must-see” places in

(10) _____ 25.  Learn a foreign language from the region. Use the Language disk instructions.

*(10) _____ 26. Make a poster that displays 20 famous Arab-Americans.

*(10) _____ 27. Make a poster that displays 20 famous Jewish – Americans.

(x) ______ 28. Student designed activity concerning the Middle East at teacher discretion.

**(30) _____ 29. Unit 7 Test.  

B Layer: Choose only 1. 10 points

1. Read the following three works: Ecclesiastes (Judaism), 1 Peter (Christianity), and Surah 57: Iron (Islam). Write a minimum 1-page paper that compares and/or contrasts the message given in the three works.

2. Play the game computer game, Age of Empires, and then complete the Analysis Sheet.

3. Conduct an interview with a person of a different religion than yourself (Jewish, Christian, or Muslim). Determine their religious beliefs, customs/practices, and their views towards the other faiths.

4. Construct a replica of an ancient Middle Eastern piece of art, architecture, sculpture, or handicraft. 

A Layer: Choose 1 only. 10 points

1. Should the US have invaded Iraq?

2. Who should the United States help – Israel, the Palestinians, or neither?

3. What is the most effective way to fight terrorism?

4. Can Muslims, Christians, and Jews ever learn to get along together?

5. Should the US stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons? 


F = 0 to 69 D = 70-75  C= 76-84  B= 85-92  A=93-100 

Day 1: Lecture - Geography  / Early History   Day 6: Assessment

Day 2: Lecture – Judaism/Christianity   Day 7: Assessment

Day 3: Lecture – Islam     Day 8: Assessment

Day 4: Lecture – Middle East Problems   Day 9 : Assessment

Day 5: Assessment      Day 10 : Assessment

                                                Day 11: Unit 8 Test