Steve Zimmerman
Blue Mountain High School
Teacher/Gifted Program Coordinator

Unit 4: Music and Dance


Unit Length:  10 days        Unit Value:   140 points

Grade Scale:   C = 105 - 117  B = 118 - 129  A = 130 - 140

Basic Level
Note: 60 points maximum allowed in Basic Level. Items in bold will appear on Unit Test. Items marked * do not require oral assessment.

(6)   _____ 2. Lecture 1 – “The evolution and purpose of Music and Dance.” Answer 3 teacher

*(10) _____ 6. Listen to Mr. Zim’s “House Music” CD and write a one-page reaction that describes your

(15) ____ 17. Make a #1 list of the greatest performers in each of the following musical genres:

(x) _____ 18. Student designed activity with approval of instructor.

Intermediate Level

Note: up to 120 points allowed by end of Basic/Intermediate Levels. Due by final day of unit.     

*(10) ____ 1. Listen to Igor Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring with a medium of your own choosing in your hand

*(6) _____ 2. Complete the Lyric Study project. 

*(12) _____ 3. Compose your own original piece of music using standard musical notation or a student-

(8) _____ 4. Choose any poem/story/original prose and put it to music. Perform it. 

*(15) ____ 5. Conduct a formal evaluation of the orchestral performance captured on the video “Carnegie

(10) ____ 6. Construct a “How to tell the difference between…” sheet in which you give the reader

(10) ____ 8. Work with a partner and demonstrate the movements for one of the following social dance

(12) ____ 9. In a group of 4 or more, orchestrate, dress, and perform a dance that demonstrates the makeup

(30) ____ 10. “Blue Mountain Idols” – details to follow.

Advanced Level

Note – Due by end of Marking Period.

(35) ____ 2. Work in a group of 4 or more to choreograph and perform an original interpretive dance.

(25) ____ 3. Use the Choreographed Dance sheet to design your own dance, perform your own dance, and

(35) ____ 4. In a group of 4 or more, choose/create musical instruments and construct a band. Perform

Unit 4: Music and Dance Schedule

Day 1: Assessment        Day 6: Assessment

Day 2: Lecture  - Evolution and purpose of music and dance  Day 7: Blue Mountain Dance Recital

Day 3: Assessment        Day 8: Assessment

Day 4: Assessment        Day 9: “Blue Mountain Idols”

Day 5: Assessment        Day 10: Assessment