Steve Zimmerman
Blue Mountain High School
Teacher/Gifted Program Coordinator

Unit 6: Sculpture


Unit Length: 7 days       Unit Value:  90 points

Grade Scale: C = 67 – 76  B = 77 – 83  A = 84 - 90 

Basic Level

Note: 55 points maximum allowed in Basic Level. Items in bold will appear on Unit Test. Items marked * do not require oral assessment. 

Intermediate Level

Note – up to 70 points may be earned by end of Basic/Intermediate Levels. Due by final day of unit.

Advanced Level

Note – Due by end of Marking Period

Day 1: Lecture 1 and assessment   

Day 2: Lecture 2 and assessment   

Day 3: Stone Carving Demo and Assessment

Day 4: Lecture 3 and assessment    

Day 5: Assessment  

Day 6: Assessment

Day 7: Assessment