Unit 9:
Sub-Sahara Africa
Unit Length: 10 days Unit Points: 100 Rate = 10 points per day
Selections in bold will appear on the Unit Test. Items marked with * do not require oral assessment. A and B do not count towards assessments. One oral assessment allowed per day. Two total assessments allowed on the last day of the unit. Students may only assess items given on each day.
Work Day
(6) _____ 1. Lecture – “Geography of sub-Sahara Africa”. Answer 3 questions.
(8) _____ 2. Read the text Global Mosaic pp. 59-70 and answer 4 teacher directed questions correctly.
*(10)_____ 3. Make a poster that illustrates the various landforms and climates that can be found in Africa.
(20)_____ 4. Complete the political map of Africa. 10 questions
(10)_____ 5. Complete the physical map of Africa. 5 questions
*(15)_____ 6. Make a poem, song, or mnemonic that can be used to memorize the nations of Africa.
(6) _____ 7. Lecture – “The Diversity of African Cultures”. 3 questions
(8) _____ 8. Read Global Mosaic pp 85-92 and 117-121 on the cultural life of Africans and answer 4 teacher directed questions.
Day 5
(6) _____ 9. Lecture – “Slavery and Imperialism”. 3 questions.
(16)_____ 10. Read Global Mosaic pp 93-96 (Slave Trade) and pp 97-104 (Imperialism) and answer 4 teacher questions.
*(12)_____ 11. Write a diary entry that chronicles what you went through as a slave or as a slave trader on
the trans-Atlantic voyage of a slave ship.
Day 6
(6) _____ 12. Lecture – “Africa today”. 3 questions.
(8) _____ 13.
Read Global Mosaic pp 111-115 and 133-138 (Issues of Africa) and answer
4 teacher questions. 8 points.
Day 7
(8) _____ 14. Make flashcards of the Unit 4 terms. Identify 8.
*(10)_____ 15. Make a poster that reveals 5 major problems facing the nations of Africa today.
*(10)_____ 16. Make a poster that shows the incredible differences that exist between the peoples and/or
regions of Africa.
(30) _____ 17. Unit 8
Test: Africa
(10) _____ B Layer. Choose 1 only.
a. In a group of 4 or less, prepare a meal from any nation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Demonstrate 6 eating/dining customs to the class. Prepare a main course, dessert, and beverage. Print out a copy of your recipes and proof that they are African.
b. Construct a model of an African tribal home/village or a physical feature of Africa.
c. Compose a letter to
the leader of an African nation in which you will outline a solution to
one of Africa’s many problems.
(10) _____ A Layer. Choose 1 only.
a. Choose any nation of Sub-Sahara Africa and convince me that I should move my mining business there.
b. Which genocide was worse, Rwanda or Sudan?
c. Criticize or defend the US refusal to get involved in the civil war in Liberia.
d. Decide which are the three most dangerous animals to be
found in Africa today.
Grade Scale
F = 0 to 69
D = 70 to 75
C = 76 to 84
B = 85 to 92
A = 93 to 100