Microsoft Publisher Assignment ITB
Master Sets
Horsham College
A = 40 “C” Basic points + “B” Project + “A” Project (at least 40 points from A + B= 80+points.
B = 30 “C” Basic points + “B” or “A” Project (at least 20 points) = 50 +
C = 25 “C” Basic points + “B” or “A” Project (at least 10 points) = 35 +
D = 20 “C” Basic points
Due Date Label all work either C1, B1 or A1 etc.
C layer is basic, B layer applies the information, and A layer analyses information.
Everyone is asked to do all three layers.
C Layer Basic points
Open Microsoft Publisher/new publication/personal stationery sets or master sets
C1. Produce a personal business card, any style. | 5 pts |
C2.Label 3 features of this business card | 5 pts |
C3.Orally* tell me or show me three features or points | 5 pts |
C4.Discuss with a classmate why people use business cards. Do they have a cost to you or society? | 5 pts |
C5.Create four of the following, a personal letterhead, calendar, “with compliments” card, birthday invitation | 10 points |
C6.Create Vocabulary Flash cards** on the meaning of these words. Stationery, stationary, personal, Letterhead, options, calendar, invoice, quote, brochure, newsletter, flyer, “With compliments card”, complements. Demonstrate knowledge of 3 flash cards (my choice) Maximum 10 cards | 2 points each x 10
Max. 20 pts. |
*Orally – use my name and face contact “Mrs Taylor could I . . . . . . . . . . . . “
**Using Word/Table set up 10 flash cards to the page. Type the word, have its meaning, and a simple graphic to illustrate. Put the graphic in a text box. You can cut up the printed page or leave it whole.
B Layer
B1.Find a quote form. Fill it out for a builder in the phone book and print. Tell me why a builder would use this form. Would this form be suitable for those with limited money? Is it essential for most people? Survey 5 people in the class about whether, they would consider using it if they had a business. Present your results in a short table, printed out and pasted on the back of the form. | 10 points |
B2.Produce a flyer about a business in the yellow pages. Orally present it to me. | 10 pts |
B3.Create an easy website page for a business in the phonebook. Print out and show to five people in the class. Would they consider using a site like this. Present your results in a short table printed out and pasted on the back of the website. | 10 points |
A Layer: Choose up to 20 points from this
How many lessons did you take to do this assignment?
How do you feel you went in this
Suggestions for improvement.
Do you like work presented in this way?
Was three weeks enough time for you?
Further comments.