Honors Biology

Ms. Tanya Stearney
Lansing, IL

Unit: Microorganisms & Disease

Textbook Chapters: 19 – 21, 40 (for reference)

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Unit Objectives:




Your browser may not support display of this image.Disclaimer: Your completion of an activity does not guarantee you its full points. Your completion of only C-layered and B-layered activities does guarantee you a “C” grade – this is the highest grade you can expect from this layer. Also, tests and quests are required & will have an affect on your grade. Attendance is a must since most of this work is completed in class!! However, some activities will need to be completed for homework since we have limited time. 

Your Points for the Unit:

C-Layer _____/75

B-Layer _____/95

A-Layer _____/30

Quests _____/~90

Test  _____/~150 

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C-Layer (75 pts min/125 pts max)



Points Received
       **C#1: Microorganism Reading with Questions 5  
C#2: Choose one assignment from below to complete:
Using colored paper, write and illustrate a 10 page children’s book on bacteria, growth, reproduction, antibiotics, and prevention. Make sure you have a cover to the book J 15  
Construct a 3-D model of a prokaryote (bacteria) - labeling all parts 15  
Using a poster, picture book, or pamphlet: show and describe the three shapes of bacteria – include and label its parts - must be in color! 10  
Make a poster that shows and explains the difference between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria – must be in color with sufficient explanation/descriptions. 10  
Write 2 paragraphs – one on ways bacteria is helpful to humans, and one on ways bacteria is harmful to humans. 10  
C#3: Choose one assignment from below to complete:
Create a Venn diagram of the similarities and differences between eubacteria and archeabacteria – use template provided in bin 10  
Write a 1-page paper explaining the difference between eubacteria and archeabacteria and how prokaryotes can be identified, obtain energy, release energy, grow & reproduce 15  
Make a poster illustrating 5 different environments in which archaea can be found – must be in color! 5  
In a paragraph, summarize the differences between archaea and bacteria. 5  
Create a song/poem explaining 10 facts about archaea. 10  

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C#4: Choose one assignment from below to complete:
Write 2 paragraphs explaining how our bodies fight bacteria and how it fights viruses. 10  
Construct a 3-D model of a virus - labeling all parts 15  
Construct 2 flowcharts to show 2 examples of the way viruses infect cells. 10  
Make 2 colored, labeled drawings of lytic virus and lysogenic virus 10  
Find newspaper article on a virus. Cut out, read and summarize – attach article . 10  
Interview someone who works in a medical lab on sterilization techniques. Provide your questions posed and answers given. 10  
List and explain (1-2 pages) 10 things your body does to fight viral infection. 10  
Design 4 viruses attacking 4 different cells. Include RNA and DNA structure. 15  
C#5: Choose one assignment from below to complete:
20.1 – 20.3 Outline OR Section Assessments 10  
Write & illustrate a brief newspaper story explaining a hypothesis that eukaryote cells evolved from symbiosis of several prokaryote larger cells. Must look like a newspaper article. 10  
Write a paragraph comparing an amoeba to a paramecium. 5  
Make a compare/contrast table of animal-like protists -  Column headings: Phylum, Characteristics, Examples, Picture/Drawing 10  
Research waterborne protists that cause disease. Prepare a report/poster/pamphlet – cite all references – must have pics 15  
Write a poem explaining the similarities between you and a paramecium. 10  
C#6: Choose one assignment from below to complete:
20.4 – 20.5 Outline OR Section Assessments 10  
Collect, paste/copy labels from 5 products that contain protists 10  
Create and draw a sci-fi protozoa – include 10 organelles – design it to handle harsh environment – color and label organelles. 15  
Collect, paste/copy labels from 5 products that contain algae. 10  
Create a poster showing all the Phyla of protists – must be colorful J 15  
Create a booklet about protists. Include 10 facts and several illustrations. 15  
C#7: Choose one assignment from below to complete:
21.1 – 21.3 Outline OR Section Assessments 10  
Create a song/poem explaining 10 facts about fungi. Perform for the class or me J 15  
Draw, color and label a typical fungus 10  
Construct a 3-D model of a basidiomycete labeling parts. 15  
Research mechanisms of how fungal spores spread. Prepare report/poster/pamphlet – cite all references – must have pics 15  
Find an article about fungi and summarize it – attach article. 10  
Make a compare/contrast table of the 4 main groups of fungi - Column headings: Phylum, Characteristics, Examples, Pictures/Drawings 10  
C#8: Choose one assignment from below to complete:
40.1 – 40.3 Outline OR Section Assessments 10  
Make a concept map of infectious diseases – include causes and examples of diseases. 10  
Create a graphic organizer to show different ways diseases are spread – include 4 routes of transmission 10  
Create a 3-D model of the defenses against pathogens 15  
Write 1-2 pg short story that depicts nonspecific defenses that challenge a pathogen entering the body – write in the pathogen character point of view. 15  
Make concept map on “Defenses Against Pathogens” 10  
C#9: Choose one assignment from below to complete:
Make a compare/contrast table of bacteria, viruses, protists, & fungi - Column headings: Prokaryote/Eukaryote, Autotroph/Heterotroph, Method of Nutrition 10  
Make a study guide or study cards using the study guide I distributed. 10  
Make a 50 question quiz or worksheet w/ a separate answer key. Incorporate 3 different types of questions – use Goal 1 – 5 Notes 15  
Chapter 19, 20, 21 & 40 Assessments (@ end of each chapter – 1st page only) 10  

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B-Layer (95 pts min/105 pts max)

B#1: Choose one assignment from below to complete:

Research 3 types of bacterial infection: botulism, tetnus, and strep throat. Write 1 page report on each –YOU MUST CITE REFERENCES!


Make a booklet of Internet sites dedicated to bacteria. Include cover page, table of contents and home page of at least 10 sites.

Research Louis Pasteur OR Alexander Fleming and write a 1-page newspaper article of his discovery – cite all references! Paper should look like a newspaper article/clipping. 10  
Research a common bacterial disease – be sure to name the disease, its cause, symptoms, transmission and treatment. Prepare a report/poster/pamphlet – cite all references! - include pics/drawings 15  
                **B#2: Bacteria Culturing Lab 10  
                **B#3: Observing Bacteria Lab 10  
B#4: Choose one assignment from below to complete:
Research a common viral disease – be sure to name the disease, its cause, symptoms, transmission and treatment. Prepare a report/poster/pamphlet – cite all references! - include pics/drawings 15  
Find 2 newspaper articles from the 1950’s or 60’s explaining the new vaccines of that time – highlight important features and provide a summary of each vaccine. 10  
Find a current (2008-2009) magazine or newspaper article on an oncogene discovery. Give a summary and attach article. 10  

Design an experiment for testing a new AIDS vaccine. Include number of trials, subjects, and length of study. Provide a write-up for each step of the scientific method as well.


                **B#5: Protista Fiesta Lab


                **B#6: Mushroom Dissection

B#7: Choose one assignment from below to complete:

Create poster/pamphlet on a disease – refer to handout for information to include – cite references used – must have pics

Create board game in which the goal is to produce antibodies to attack and destroy invading pathogens – must have directions of ‘how to play’ 15  
Create poster/pamphlet on recommended vaccinations (w/their risks) from birth to adulthood – cite references used – must have pics 15  


B#8: Choose one assignment from below to complete:

Create a board game that teaches the key points about bacteria, viruses, protists, and fungi. Include directions for how to play, as well as everything needed to do so.


Design your own experiment on microorganisms. Create a write-up for each part of the scientific method. Be very descriptive and specific in each step.


Create a pamphlet/brochure/booklet/poster that explains the key points about bacteria, viruses, protists, and fungi – must be colorful with pics J


A-Layer (50 pts min/ 50 pts max)

Complete an ‘A-Layer Assignment Sheet’ on a topic below, then report your research information in a 2-pg typed report, poster OR  PowerPoint 30  
Is there a flesh eating bacteria? If so, what is it? Thoroughly describe it.  
What is the ‘down-side’ to antibiotics in our society? Find a creative way to show your results.  
What is the current treatment for AIDS? Use only this year’s (2008-2009) information. Will we have a vaccine for AIDS in your lifetime?  
Is the chicken pox vaccine a good idea?  
What should you really do when you have a cold? What is the best solution for bacterial illnesses that resist antibiotics?  
Are food preservatives harmful?  
Is the use of antibacterial soaps good or bad?  

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