Social Studies – World History
Terica Oates
Carrollton High School
World History & Government Teacher
Unit 3: Chapter 9 & Chapter 11 Section 1 –Assignment
Date: ___________________ Name:
Point Values: 150-168 = C 167-187 = B 187+ = A
C Layer: The first level is REQUIRED!!!!!!! When you receive 150-168 points from this level you may then move to level B, and level A. The assignments in bold print must be completed by all students regardless of level.
Day 1: (Maximum 15) Points Earned: ________
_____1. Vocabulary (10 points)
_____ 2. Anticipation Guide Chapter 9 ( 5)
Day 2: Select two additional assignments
_____1. Take notes over lecture (5 points)
_____ 2. Create a learning log over Chapter 9 Section 1 (5 points)
_____ 3. Islamic Map (15 points)
_____ 4. Page 210 #4-6 (5 points)
_____ 5.Create a t-chart comparing differences in the Sunni and Shia (10)
_____6. Make a flowchart to organize events in the rise of Islam from 610- 632 (mainly dealing with Muhammad) (10)
______ 7.Copy this chart. Use it to organize the areas that the Muslims conquered during the expansion of the Muslim Empire (10)
Arabs | Turks | |
Years | ||
Arabs |
Day 3: Select two addition assignments
_____ 1. Do a learning log for Chapter 9 Section 2 (5 points)
_____ 2. Chart on Muslim Achievements (10)
_____ 3. Page 215 #4-6 (5)
_______4. Make a chart comparing what changed under the Turks and what remained the same. Work with a partner, but both must make a chart to turn in. (10)
Create a 3 or 4 panel carton strip showing how Muslim culture spread by
the Crusades or the Moors. (10)
Day 4: Select two additional assignments
_____ 1. Learning Log for Chapter 9 Section 3 (5 points)
_____ 2. Partner Timeline (15)
______ 3.Five-column chart titled Mughal Rulers. Head column ruler, date or reign, achievements of reign, negative of reign. In the first column list rulers. (10 points)
_____ 4. Page 221 # 4-6 (5 points)
_____ 5. Page 222 1-6, 1-7 (10)
Day 5: Select two additional asssignments
_____1. Anticipation Guide Crusades ( 5)
______ 2. Learning Log Chapter 11 Section 1 (5 points)
_____ 3. Timeline on Events of the Crusades (10)
_____ 4. Make a web diagram. Comparing and contrasting the outcomes of the different Crusades. (10 points)
_____ 5. Page 256 #4-5 (5 points)
______6. Make a 25 question study guide from information from Days 1-4 in your learning logs, notes, vocabulary, or other sources. (15)
B Layer:
Day 6,7 Choose 4 at 10 points each Points Earned:
_____ 1. Read Analyzing a Primary Source- “The Quran” and answer the questions
_____ 2.Read “ The Muslim Conquest of Spain” and answer questions
______ 4.Create an advertisement that tells Some Muslim accomplishments or contribution to Indian society. It may be a full-page ad, flyer, or brochure
_______ 5. Construct a compare and contrast chart on the Crusades. Detailing the date, participating, European Territories and Countries, Successes and/ or failures.
6.Research Mohammed, write a 1-2 page typed report on how he changed
life on the Arabian Peninsula and beyond. The report must be
in your own words. Cut and paste will earn a grade of zero.
______ 7. Explore the role of women in Muslim societies through out
history. Create a visual representation of your findings.
A Layer:
Day 7, 8: Choose 2 at 20 points each Points Earned:
______ 1. Imagine you are an Arab merchant headquartered in Medina. You have employees through North Africa and Persia buying, selling, and trading goods. Write a code of conduct for these employed while away from home & dealing with non-Muslim customers that will strengthen their perception of Islam. (30)
_____ 2.1 Page Essay “The ink of scholars is more precious that the blood or martyrs.” Muhammad
What do you think Muhammad meant? What does it suggest about the clue that Muslims put on knowledge and learning?
_____ 3. Assume the role of a Hindu or Muslim Indian. Write a letter to someone of the other faith; attempting to convince that person to convert to your religion.
_____ 4. With a partner, access Keyword SC0 Islam and SC0India. Research on an aspect of Indian development during the early Muslim and Mughal periods. Possible topics- science, literature, religion, rulers, or other teacher-approved topics. Prepare a visual aid to present to class.
______5. Create a children’s book that tells the story of the Crusades. Research clothing and weapons for the time. Show as much action as possible but convey the causes and effects of the Crusades.
Recreate the lectures using humor or music with a partner. Videotape it
and burn to a DVD.
This sheet must be turned in with assignments or you will be deducted 20 points!!!!!
Total Points Earned: __________ / 187