Charlie and the Chocolate Factory By Roald Dahl
Designed by: Regina C. Manhit
International School Manila Grade 4
As we read the novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for Reader's Circle we shall also be writing a variety of pieces for the Writers' Workshop closely related to this novel. The quality and the quantity of work that you produce in the next 5 weeks will determine the grade that you will receive for this special project. To get the best out of this please remember the following:
~~You cannot go to level 4 without earning at least 70 points. You cannot go to level 5 without scoring at least 85 points. Aim high! Don't settle for a 1, 2 or 3.
~~ Follow every step of the writing process from prewriting to publishing. No skipping!
~~ Be organized. Put together all your papers (plan/mindmap/web, first and succeeding drafts, published copy) in your portfolio. If it is incomplete, you do not get a score.
~~ Plan ahead. Study each activity and tick off which ones you want to accomplish.
~~ Use your time wisely. Do not waste any second.
~~ Fill in score sheet regularly. Keep it safe in your portfolio.
~~ Give it your best shot.
Have fun and enjoy this novel.
Just a 3
There are 10 activities listed below. Do any 7. If you get a total of 70 points then you earn a sure 3! You may not move on to level 4 unless you score 70 points in this first section.
1. Choose 10 new or interesting words from the story and make flash cards with their definitions. (5 points)
2. Write a friendly or business letter to Mr. Wonka. In your letter try to convince him that you are worthy to enter his chocolate factory. Write your letter on stationery. (5 points)
3. Write traditional or invented poetry on at least 5 characters from this book. Use a different kind of poem for each character. Put your poems together into a booklet. Make sure they are written neatly or typed. Do not forget to illustrate. Use the Writers Express as your guide. (15 points)
4. Write a summary after every five chapters we read in class. The summary should be written as a narrative paragraph of not more than 15 sentences. There are 30 chapters in this novel so you will write 6 summaries in all. (15 points)
5. Willy Wonka invented all kinds of candy and chocolate bars. Create your own delicious treat by designing a candy wrapper of your candy invention. Write a 8-10 sentence descriptive paragraph about it. (10 points)
6. Willy Wonka had several crazy and funky machines that create candy you never imagined you could ever taste. Design a candy machine of your own. Label its parts and write an expository paragraph on how it works. (10 points)
7. Write a newspaper story about any of the unfortunate incidents that happened to any of the children while inside the Wonka Factory. (10 points)
8. Write a script of your favorite scene. Memorize your lines. Act it out with a friend/s or present a puppet show. (10 points)
9. Research on the author Roald Dahl. Create a Powerpoint presentation on his life and works. (15 points)
10. Design a book cover for the new edition of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Make sure it has the title, author and illustrator's names and a very attractive and colorful picture.
Aiming for a 4
1. Write a book review on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Write what the book is about, what you like about it and what is the book' theme or the message about life that the author is trying to make. (15 points)
2. Compare and contrast. After reading the book and watching the movie version, write a 15
sentence-paragraph (or longer) that tells about the similarities and differences between the two
media. Write which one you preferred and state your reasons. (15 points)
Getting a 5!
Write a fantasy story with human characters.
Prewriting Brainstorm and create a web/mindmap/list
Invent characters - real people only!
Choose a problem to solve
Find a setting
Write the first draft
Start by introducing your main character or begin with something happening (an explosion, a narrow escape, an argument, etc)
Keep it going by trying to make the main character's life more difficult or exciting because of the "problem". Keep your readers excited.
End the story when the problem is solved.
Read and reread your story and make it imaginary but believable.
Conferencing- share your first draft with your teacher, your friend and a member of your family. Listen to their questions and recommendations because this will help you improve your story.
Editing and proofreading
Take a close look at your story. Did you use the best words to describe the setting, characters, and action? Are the sentences clear, interesting and punctuated correctly? Are there enough dialogue? Any spelling errors? Did you follow the rules of grammar?
The final copy of your story must be typewritten and printed on clean short bond papers.
Name ____________________________________ Total Score ______________
Activity | Date Accomplished | Score |
Peer Conferencing Sheet
What did you like most about your friend's work?
In what ways can it still be improved?
How did you help improve your friend's work?
What did you learn from your friend's work?
Sign Here (Name and Date)
Parent Feedback
After reading your child's written work, please write your comments below.
What are the highlights of your child's piece?
In what way can it still be improved?
What signs of improvement have you seen in your child's writing?
Sign here
Name and Date