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The Civil Rights Movement (1960 - 1968)

by: Virgil Johnson

Salt Lake City, UT

Chapter 20

Section 1.

Choose any assignment for a maximum of 70 points

1. Suggest activities: section review handouts. 15 pts

2. Create a diorama illustrating the chapter. 10 pts

4. Locate protest poems, prose, songs and art, from the 60's in a notebook form. 15 pts

5. Explain to the teacher: a Why de facto segregation was so much harder to identify and extinguish than de jure segregation. b. why the Civil Rights movement was so unstoppable. 15 pts

6. Map show the route of the FREEDOM RIDERS, with dates of violence and explain the Boynton vs Virginia 1960 court decision and its affect upon the Freedom Riders. 15 pts

7. Build a mobile showing Dr, Martin Luther Kings ideals and his view of the Civil Rights struggle as a battle with evil. 15 pts

8. who's who, identify the following: Dr. Martin Luther King, John Slater Jr, Joan Trumpauer, Anne Moody, James Baldwin, Newton, Malcolm X, Laurie Pritchett, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michael Shwerner.


Section 2 choose only one. 15 pts

1. After reading " I have a dream speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, propose how the speech would be different if it where "I have a plan".

2. Hypothesize how the Civil Rights Movements' outcome would be different today if Dr. Martin Luther King had not been killed.


Section 3 choose only one. 15 pts

1. Judge whether Malcolm X was good or bad for the African Americans, defend your opinion in an essay.

2. Editorialize the following groups points of view and how the played a role in the Civil Rights Movement.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ( NAACP), Congress of Racial Equality ( CORE), southern Christian leadership Conference (SCLC), Student Nonviolent Coordinating committee 9 SNCC)


Leaders and strugglers

knowledge: Identify 2 key concepts in this section and identify the following organizations: CORE, SCLC, SNCC.

comprehension: In your own words , describe the events that led to African Americans stratefies.

APPLICATION; predict African Americans reactions to the Civil Rights Movement.

ANALYSIS: Draw conclusions as to why the Civil Rights Movement splintered into many factions instead of being united in one group.

SYNTHESIS: Propose your own idea of Rights for all people.

EVALUATION: Assess the impact of the Civil Rights Movement on our present day.


ACTIVIST: Describe what happened as a result of the types of protests held. (sit-ins), (Freedom Riders), ( Albany movement) ( integration of Ole Miss), (Birmingham confrontation).

PROBLEM SOLVING: Explain the differences of weapons" of Civil Rights protesters from those of their opponents.

ANALYZE: After reading Assistant Attorney General Burke Marshal position on page 661, answer the following questions. What was the reactions of the Whites to the Freedom Riders? What was at stake from the point of view of the white segregationist? Why did African Americans riding a bus alongside whites seem so threatening?


the political response

FINDING EVIDENCE: Look for evidence as you read the section to support this statement; As nonviolent protests continued, Civil Rights became not only a moral issue but also a political one.

SYMBOLS: Symbols of unity were an important inspiration to the Civil Rights Movement. Create a logo, song, poem, or slogan that represents the moral tone of the struggle and the bravery of it's participants.

CHART:see page 669 - Civil Rights Acts of 1969. Choose the most important Rights from the chart. Explain your choice and how it impacts your life today.

LISTED ITEMS: List ways in which politicians responded to the Civil Rights conflict. Next to each item , grade each type of response as strong or weak.


KNOWLEDGE: Define the following: de jure segregation, de facto segregation, nation of Islam, Black Power, James Baldwin, Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammed, Huey Newton.

COMPREHENSION: Express your opinion of the rioting in the cities from a black Panther point of view.

APPLICATION: see page 673, quote by Malcolm X, and give your interpretation of his speech.

ANALYSIS: Criticize this statement" Malcolm X preached that African Americans could expect nothing from white society in the United States and therefore needed to create a separate society "

SYNTHESIS: Compose your idea of what you see as power for all people.

EVALUATION: Judge whether the African Americans anger was justified in gaining Civil Rights.