by David Kirkhart
Sig Rogich Middle School
Clark County School District
Las Vegas, Nevada
1) The student will explain the layers of the atmosphere.
2) The studnet will apply the conpts of density and convection currents
to the atmosphere.
3) The student will identify the causes of air pollution.
4) The studnet will analyze real-world weather data.
5) The studnet will explain how information about the atmosphere has
been developed and changed over time.
6) The studnet will identify the primary source of energy on Earth.
7) The student will explore and describe clouds.
8) The student will devleop models to explain atmosphere and weather.
9) The student will analyze weather pattern.
UNIT DATES: April 12-May 4th
REVIEW May 5th (key terms will be provided throughout the unit)
UNIT TEST May 6th (100 points... not open book or open notes)
A: 86-100 To receive an A, one assignment from group A MUST be completed
B: 71-85
C: 55-70
D: 40 -54
GROUP C Assignments
Maximum number of points from group C is 60
(You MUST earn 36 points here to move on to Group B Assignments.)
1. Take notes on Video: Water Cycle. Write questions and answers
about the water cycle (4 questions from lower level learning
objectives) 4 points.
2. Take notes on Video: Climate and Seasons. Write questions and
answers about the water cycle (4 questions from lower level learning
objectives) 4 points.
3. Listen to lecture and take notes. Write 4 questions and answers from
lower level learning objectives. 4 points
4. Read Chapter 15 (pgs. 498-508) Write questions and answers from
section review page 501 and section review page 507. 4 points
5. Read Chapter 15 and develop a Layers of the atmosphere model.
Identify layers and define each (what occurs in each.) 4 points
6. Read Chapter 16, pages 526-535. Write 4 questions from lower
level learning objectives and answer each. 4 points
7. Develop a model of the Water Cycle. Identify and define key
terms involved. 4 points
8. Create vocabulary Flash Cards for Section 1 terms, section 2 terms
and section 3 terms (page 555). 4 points
9. Complete Converting Weather Parameters from WeatherNet site Write ALL questions, answers , and
formulas used. Copy definitions presented at the end of the unit.
4 points
10. On page 591, copy and complete the Compare/Contrast Table about
Hurricanes and Tornadoes. 4 points
11. Write questions and answers to questions 1-10 on page 592. 4 points
12. Complete “Fresh Water Worries” packet. 4 points
13. Fill in concept map: The Atmosphere. 4 points
14. Fill in concept map: Understanding Weather. 4 points
15. Read and complete “Feeling the Pressure” packet. 4 points
16) Complete the Well Model. Write one paragraph that explains
the term well. 4 points
17) Complete the Glacier Model. Write one paragraph that explains
the term glacier. 4 points
GROUP B Assignments
1) Investigate climates. Use the map provided to color the five
major climate regions. Define key terms, and create a one page
summary that explains one climate type. 8 points
2) Complete “Electricity from the Sea” packet. 6 points
3) Complete “Up, up, and Away” packet. 8 points
4) Use the map provided to locate 5 ancient civilizations.
Research one of these. Summarize your research into one page (4
paragraph). Additionally locate and identify where today’s major
population densities are located. What differences are there?
Why? Develop a colorful and creative way to present this information.
10 points
5) Develop a model that explains Earth’s seasons (as related to Earth’s
axis, rotation, and revolution. 6 points
6) Track Las Vegas’ high and low temperatures over a 10 day
period. Graph this information. 6 points
7) Complete “Predicting the Storm” packet. 8 points
8) Develop a model that explains why Las Vegas in a desert
climate. 8 points
Group A Assignments
1) Complete “The Cool Climate Graphs” project ob pages 616-617.
You will be completing this project individually. Complete ALL
aspects through Analyze and Conclude #5. 12 points
2) Create an informational brochure (tri-fold) about Flood
safety. Use an 8.5 X 11 piece of paper. All sections (6)
must be complete. Colorful and informative is a MUST. 12 points
3) Design an experiment focusing on Transpiration. Write a
Problem Statement, develop a Hypothesis, write a complete Procedure,
list all Materials, and draw an Experimental Design. You do not
have to complete the experiment but be prepared to justify your
design. 12 points
4) Read and summarize (1 full page) and list 15 key terms (defined)
from the scientific article: “Effects of increased solar ultraviolet
radiation on terrestrial ecosystems. 15 points
5) Write and answer 8 higher level learning objectives questions
focusing on Climate and Weather. 8 points