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Humanities 1100
Crystal Spackman
Murray High School/Salt Lake Community College
Concurrent Enrollment Juniors/Seniors/High School/College credit

"C" Level: (70-79 Pts.)

10 pts Choose individual artist from The List of names from your textbook, The Art of Being Human. (Examples: Mozart, Degas, Monet, Einstein, etc. ) Sign up for individual on my sign up sheet.

20 pts Flash cards write them during the students' oral presentations. Name of artist on one side, then important background information and one famous work on the other side. Use to study for quiz and final also.

10 pts Research background of artist, print up Internet profile for example and show teacher to check off for these points. Highlight proper citation on the page.

20 pts Oral presentation with at least 2 visual/musical examples of the artist to show to class. Must answer essential
question: Why do we remember this person? How have they changed the world of the Humanities? Must include: Name, dates, occupation, nationality, Important works of art, quote if possible, other interesting anecdotes.

20 pts Poster with artist's name, dates, timeline, visual examples, visually appealing.


"B" Level: (80-89 Pts)

50 pts Essay Two page typed report, double spaced, full two pages, Proofread to Perfection (one point off for any error)
Proper APA citations, Proper Essay Format.
(Choose from "C" level to increase score)


"A" Level: (90-100 Pts.)
(Or 125 with Extra Credit)

100 pts Power Point Presentation with Visual examples of Artist's work, pictures of the artist (if possible) background of
Time Period, with narrative and background information which answers Essential Questions. (Presentation can be presented
in lieu of written essay)
(Choose from "C" level to increase score)

Extra Credit: Student can add 25 pts Extra Credit by choosing other options. Student could achieve a "High A" score of