"A-B-C" Introduction Unit Layered Curriculum
Mrs. Cassioppi
RESA 6th Grade Social Studies (Rockford, IL)
Grading Scale: 300-400 = A 220-299 = B 140-219 = C 120-139 = D 0-119 = F
Section 1 | "C" Level: Basic Understand-ing | v = Indicates Required Activities Choose from the following activities to earn up to 200 points: |
Points Earned | Maximum Points | Activities |
10 | v Complete worksheet "Student Stats." | |
10 | v Draw a picture that illustrates your first Social Studies Report Card for this school year. Use color and words to complete the illustration. | |
10 | v Complete the worksheet "How I Learn Best." | |
20 | v Watch PowerPoint presentation on the RESA Agenda and take notes about it. | |
20 | v Take test "How to Enter Social Studies Class." | |
20 | v Complete the Social Studies Notebook (SSNB) on the Introduction Unit. | |
10 | v Take these " A-B-C" Introduction Unit Layered Curriculum Point Sheets home and have your parent/guardian write a positive note on the last page indicating they have read it and understand what you are to do and sign it in ink. | |
10 | Complete Our World's Story Scavenger Hunt worksheet. | |
10 | Mrs. Cassioppi has many posters around the classroom. Select one of the sayings on a poster and write a paragraph, using at least 6 complete sentences. In this paragraph, explain what the saying means to you and also why Mrs. Cassioppi has this poster displayed in the room. | |
25 | Complete "Destination: Character" in your RESA Agenda. It begins after page 8 of the Agenda's Student Handbook. | |
15 | Design a word search using at least 20 words from "Destination: Character" in your RESA Agenda. It begins after page 8 of the Agenda's Student Handbook. Be sure to include a key. You will be asked the meaning of 10 of your words. | |
5/15 | Write your Social Studies work/assignments in your RESA Agenda for 5 days to receive 5 points. For 15 points write in your RESA Agenda for 5 days and also have your parent/guardian sign for each of those 5 days. | |
20 | Design your own poster that encourages other students to follow one of Mrs. Cassioppi's Classroom Procedures. Use the 12" x 18" white paper provided. It should use color and correct spelling and grammar. This poster should communicate clearly your ideas. | |
20 | Draw a picture or cartoon about the Social Studies class rule that is your biggest challenge in the 6th grade this year and show you being successful following the rule. This drawing or cartoon must be in color. You may use words to label your illustration. This picture should communicate clearly your ideas. | |
20 | Draw a stick figure of yourself listening to words, phrases, or expressions that you like to hear. You need to include at least 6 positive affirmations. | |
5 | Complete worksheet "My 4-1-1." | |
15 | Using the Power Picture about Mrs. C's Day to help you, create a Power Picture about your day. Your Power Picture should use capital letters, colors, and symbols. | |
20 | Make a list of important times in your life. Begin with your date of birth to the present. On this list include 12 important events in your life. Some examples are when you got your first tooth; when you walked or started preschool; your first haircut; births of brothers or sisters; when you learned to ride a bike or learned to read; when you broke an arm or a leg or got braces; when you went of vacation or did special church things; or when you moved or got a pet. | |
10 | Complete worksheet "Number Line/Thermometer. | |
20 | Visit the Internet in the classroom, public library, or at home: http://www.teacherweb.com/IL/RESA/Cassioppi and http://www.teacherweb.com/IL/RESA/Team6C. Make a list of at least 6 ideas Mrs. Cassioppi should add to either of these websites. Be sure to include why these should be added. | |
Section 2 | "B" Level: Application | Select one activity to earn up to 100 points. In order to receive a "B," a student must have earned at least 160 points in the "C" category and 60 points in the "B" category. |
Points Earned | Maximum Points | Activities |
100 | Create your personal time line, "Sixth Grade Sensation" Student Time Line Project. You may present your class in order to receive the maximum points. | |
100 | Make a parallel time line comparing important events in your life with those of a friend or a family member. Make sure that your time line has a bar for each person and a title. Include at least 6 national or world events that have occurred during the years represented. Read pp. 48-49 in the Social Studies textbook to understand what a parallel time line is. Follow the steps on p. 49 to help you make your time line. | |
Section 3 | "A" Level: Critical Thinking | Select one activity to earn up to 100 points. In order to receive an "A," a student must have earned at least 180 points in the "C" category and 60 points in the "B" category and 60 points in the "A" category. |
Points Earned | Maximum Points | Activities |
100 | Create a poster representing "Why Do We Study Social Studies?" Read pp. 19-21 in the Social Studies textbook. Use the Power Picture in the Social Studies Notebook to help you. This poster must be neat, have illustrations, use color, and show effort and quality. You may use pictures from magazines or newspapers or photographs, as well as your own drawings, to illustrate the ideas in the SSNB Power Picture. | |
100 | Why do we study Social Studies? Survey 6 adults (including teachers) and 6 students your age and ask them their opinion. Then form your own opinion. Give an oral presentation of at least 2 minutes to the class to explain the results of your survey and your own opinion. |
J Thank you for your effort and hard work! Mrs. Cassioppi J
Required Activity (from the first page):
Parent/Guardian Positive Note:
Student Name ________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature (in ink, please) _________________________________
Date _______________________________________________________________
Contact Phone # ______________________________________________________
(Positive Note, Signature, and Contact Phone # are worth 10 points for the student when written
in ink.)