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New York State Government (4th Grade)

by Jon Stern

New Paltz Central School District

New York

Unit Objectives
Identify key democratic values.       
Explain the function of the three branches of NY State Government
Describe the history and purpose of the NY State Constitution

41-50 pts = A    31-40 pts = B    21-30 pts = C    16-20 pts = D

“C” Level Work
(30 points maximum)

1_____    Notes: Democratic Values  (5 points)

2_____    Notes: Branches of Government   (5 points)

3_____    Notes: The New York Constitution (5 points)
4_____    Flash Cards:  (10 points) create flash cards using the following words- democracy, bill, veto, appeal, government, legislative branch, executive branch, judicial branch, budget, and justice

5_____    Concept Map:  (10 points) create a map using the following words- democracy, bill, veto, appeal, government, legislative branch, executive branch, judicial branch, budget, and justice 
6_____    Book Work:  (5 points) read New York’s State Government (New York, Harcourt Horizons) and complete Pp 55-56 in the activity book.

7_____    Live Video:  (10 points) go to the NY State Senate web site ( look up the Senate schedule and find a bill that seems interesting.  Watch the Senate discussion live on the web site for 20 minutes and write down at least three things that were talked about.

8_____    Poster:  (10 points)  create a poster that illustrates one or two democratic values.

9_____    Poem:  (5 points) create a poem that illustrates one or two democratic values.

 “B” Level Work
(10 points maximum)
10_____    Create a 3 minute play with 2 friends.  The play should include a conversation between the Governor, a state senator, and a NY Court of Appeals judge as they discuss an issue affecting NY.  Each person should represent the role they perform in NY government.  See the teacher for some ideas.  (10 points)

11_____    Write a biography of either the Governor, your state senator, or a NY Court of Appeals judge.  Include a major law that they were involved in writing, enforcing, or making a ruling on.   (10 points)

“A” Level Work
(10 points maximum)
12_____    Research a recently passed NY law.  How do you think it will affect the lives of New Yorkers?  Use at least 5 vocabulary words in your essay.

13_____    Find newspaper articles about an issue affecting NY State.  Discuss what you think should be done to solve the issue.  Express your opinion to your state senator by writing them a letter.  Use at least 5 vocabulary words in your letter.

Unit Test (50 points)