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The Miracle Worker
By William Gibson

Kelly Dawson, 8th grade English

Las Vegas, NV

*Required~ Read the book.  After you have read the sections listed below, you will be given an oral exam.  You will receive points based on you answers to the questions.  You will not be able to move onto the next section until you have demonstrated comprehension of what you read.  Here are the page breakdowns:

     ~Act I pp. 1-15 (5 points)                           pts

     ~Act I pp. 16-30 (6 points)                          pts

     ~Act I pp. 31-47 (10 points)                         pts

     ~Act II pp. 48-62 (8 points)                         pts

     ~Act II pp. 63-77 (6 points)                         pts

     ~Act II pp. 78-91 (6 points)                         pts

     ~Act III pp. 92-107 (5 points)                      pts

     ~Act III pp. 108-122 (9 points)                    pts

<>                               Total Reading Points ___     /55

                   (Must receive at least 45 points to move on)

Level C~35 points

Make a vocabulary book using the words from the vocabulary  list (15 points)

Complete the “Analogies” worksheet for Act I (5 points)

Complete the “Vocabulary Practice” worksheet for Act II (5 points)

Complete the “Antonyms” worksheet Act III (5 points)

Complete the Crossword Puzzle (5 points)

Copy the Helen Keller notes from the overheads. (5 points)

Listen to the lecture and take organized notes. (5 points).

Total points Level C              /35


Level B ~ 45 points

     Fill out a “Character Attribute Web” for two characters. (15 points)

     Complete the “Question and Answer Poetry” Worksheet (15 points)

     Complete the “Decisions, Decisions” Worksheet (15 points)

     Complete the “Relationships” Worksheet (15 points)

Total points Level B              /45

Level A ~ 50 points

Write a well-developed essay on one of the following topics:

A.    There is an ongoing debate about how much liberty a biographer should take-if any-in fictionalizing events.  Outline the “facts” that are presented and explain how you might go about verifying them.  Give your opinion about whether Gibson would be justified in making up any part of the story-and why you think so.

B.    The Miracle Worker won a Pulitzer Prize for drama in 1960.  List three criteria you think a high-quality play should meet.  Explain why you do or do not feel that Gibson’s play meets these standards.

Total points Level A              /50

Total score for this unit:                 

Grade Earned: