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The Fedralist Era***

Marilyn Washington

Lake Elementary

St. Amant, La.

"C" Layer:   (5 pts each daily)
1. Participate in Lecture and discussion.
2.    Listen to lecture on tape and respond to assigned questions

Choose 1 from 3-6
Vocabulary Terms: Bill of Rights, neutral, political party, sedition, loose construction
(These should be written on board, transparencies and sometimes copied for some students.) (5pts)
3.    Define the following words in your notebook.
4.    Write sentences that explain each term
5.    Make flash cards for the vocabulary terms
6.    Record vocabulary words on tape.

There are 5 Video Disc included in our study of this unit. They are:
1.    A Geographic Perspective on American History
2. Landmarks Documents in American History
3. The American People: Fabric of a Nation
4. The Presidents: A History of our nation
5. Powers of the Supreme Court

Choose 1 from 7-9 (5 pts each)
7. Choose three videos, view and record five important facts from each.
8. Choose three videos, view and write summaries that include at least 5 facts from each.
9. Choose five videos, view and make an appointment to discuss with me five important facts from the video.

Choose 1 from 10-14 (15 pts.—5 pts for each part)
10 . Work in pairs to complete “Reviewing Facts”, “Understanding Concepts” and “History and Geography” in your notebook
11.    In pairs make a power point presentation of the responses to “Reviewing Facts”, “Understanding Concepts” and “History and Geography”.
12.    Working in pairs record your answers to “Reviewing Facts”, “Understanding Concepts” and “History and Geography”.
13.    Working with your partner record your answers from “Reviewing Facts”, “Understanding Concepts”, and “History and Geography” on a foldable.
14.    Work with your partner to discuss “Reviewing facts”, “Understanding Concepts” and “History and Geography”. Make an appointment with me to discuss your answers.

"B" Layer

Work with a partner or alone if you prefer . Prepare to discuss the following three questions orally. (2pts. Each)
1.    Most early American leaders disliked the idea of political parties, yet they formed them anyway. Why do you think this occurred?
2.    What was Thomas Jefferson’s view of how the United States should be governed? What was Alexander Hamilton’s view? Do some politicians today still hold a similar point of view?
3.    What do you think was the most important principle for people who opposed the Sedition Act? What other principle did Jefferson and Madison try to uphold in their reaction?

Choose 4 or 5 (10 pts)
4.    Using the notes you made on political issues that divided the United States, create an attractive chart that clearly shows the differences between Federalist and Democratic-Republican viewpoints on at least four issues.
5.    Compare and contrast the Democratic-Republicans with the ideals of the Federalist.

Choose 1 from 6-8 (10 pts)
6.    Choose two statements from The “Practicing Skills” Activity and write a short paragraph for each. Each paragraph must have at least three sentences supporting the topic and arranged in a logical way. Use transitional words or phrases to connect your ideas smoothly.
7.    Choose two statements and prepare to discuss in a logical way support for each statement. Please include transitional words or phrases in your discussion.
8.    Record your responses to two statements from the “Practicing Skills” Activity. Include transitional words and or phrases in your recording.
Everyone will do 6—(15 pts)
9.    Participate in a Literature Circle to plan a campaign to recruit new members for your political party in 1798. Begin by deciding whether you are part of the Federalist party or the Democratic-Republican party.  Complete three of the following activities:
·    Research party issues
·    Draw up a party platform
·    Create slogans and logos
·    Design posters
·    Write newspaper editorials supporting your view or attacking your opponents’
·    Draw political cartoons about your rivals
7. Written Test (Points to be determined)

"A" Layer (15 pts) Choose 1
1.    Is there a difference between Democrats and Republicans today?
2.    Research three major issues the government face today. Note the stands of today’s political Parties on these issues.

Grading Scale
89-106 = A
72-88    = B
55-71    = C
37-54    = D
Below 37 = F

***Text references come from Glencoe McGraw-Hill—American History-The Early Years To 1877