Atomic Structure

Mark Sailer

Pioneer Jr-Sr High School

Royal Center, IN

Name : ______________________________                 Due Date : _______
Study Guidelines:
1)    List the names and symbols of common elements.
2)    Describe the present model of the atom.
3)    Describe how electrons are arranged in an atom.
4)    Identify quarks as particles of matter that make up protons and neutrons.
5)    Compute the atomic mass and mass number of an atom.
6)    Identify and describe isotopes of common elements.
7)    Interpret the average atomic mass of an element.
8)    Describe the period table of elements and use to find information about an element.
9)    Distinguish between a group and a period.
10)    Use the period table to classify an element as a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid.
Activities (Maximum of 65 points)
1.  KWL foldable (10 points) What I know about atoms? What I would like to Learn?  What I have learned?   
2.  Vocabulary Flash cards for Chapter 10 – in your own words (10 points)   
3.  10-1 The Structure of the Atom – Notes from lecture (5)   
4.  10-1 The Structure of the Atom and 10-2 Smaller Particles of Matter Reading Log or Notes (5)   
5.  10-1 – The Structure of the Atom Section Wrap Up p.274 #1-4, Skill Builder and Using Math (5)   
6.  Make a 3-D model of one of the atoms in periods 2 or 3.  Be able to explain how your model represents an atom and how it is not representative of an atom. (15)   
7.  Adopt an element – Activity Worksheet – (20 points)   
8.  10-2 Enrichment  - Smaller Particles of Matter (Worksheet) (5)   
9.  10-3 Masses of Atoms – Notes from lecture (5)   
10.  10-3 – Masses of Atoms – Reading log or notes (5)   
11.  10-3 – Masses of Atoms – Section Wrap Up  p.281 #1-3, Skill Builder (5)   
12.  Write an equation to find the average atomic mass using the following variables: (5- Oral Defense)X=1st atomic mass, Y=2nd isotope mass,  Z=3rd isotope mass, A=% of 1st isotope, B=% of 2nd isotope, C=% of 3rd isotope   
13.  10-4  The periodic Table – Notes from lecture (5)   
14.  10-4 The periodic table reading log or notes (5)   
15.  10-4 The period table Section Wrap Up p. 291 #1-4, Skill Builder (5)   
16.  Concepts in action – Small Scale Construction  Project And Video (20) – Handout    
17.  Activity 10-1, but use whiteboards instead of Magnetic board (10)   
18.  Lab – A periodic Table of foods (10)   
19.  Lab – What's in a name? (10)   
20.  Chapter Review pp. 294-295  #1-13, 15, 17, 18, 21, and 23 (10 points – Oral Defense – you must defend and explain your answers)   
21.  Worksheets (Choose 3 – 5 points each) (only one A, B, C, or E) (CIRCLE the Worksheet)A 1 - Study Guide – The Structure of the atom/Smaller Particles of MatterA 2 - Enrichment – The Structure of the atomA 3 - Atoms and Period Table  - Subatomic ParticlesB 1 - Study Guide – Masses of AtomsB 2 - Reinforcement - Masses of AtomsB 3 - Enrichment - Masses of AtomsC 1 - Study Guide – The periodic TableC 2 - Enrichment - The periodic TableC 3 - Atoms and The Period Table - Melting Points and DensityD 1 - Chapter Review   
Daily Log – 2 copies turned in next day – You must sign up for this (5 points)   

Activities and Assignments – 65 points     Quiz  - 10 points         B-Layer  - 15 points    A- Layer  - 20 Points    A – 96+        B – 81-95    C   65-80    D 50-64

Activities Total ________    Quiz __________    B – Layer _________    A- Layer ____________

Total Points _________________    Grade _________________

B Layer ( Choose ONE – 15 Points)
1.  Make a display of samples or pictures of several (4 or more different) elements.  List the name, symbol, atomic number, average atomic mass, diagram of atom, several uses for each element, and other information you find.   
2.  Choose a synthetic element and write a biography of the element.  Include information about the element’s name, location of the synthesis research, and the people responsible.    
3.  Research and report on models of the atom from the time of the ancient Greeks until the present. ( You may make a poster or display of the information.)   
4.  Make a web page, powerpoint presentation or 3-D bulletin board to teach others about the atom, atomic structure and the periodic table.   
5.  Select group 1, Group 2, Group 17 or Group 18.  Find out the properties and uses of the elements in the group and determine what the elements have in common.  Prepare a poster or presentation that shows what was learned so that the information can be shared with the rest of the class.   
6.  Research and make a timeline that shows the development of the modern atomic thory, identifying on the timeline the contributions of key physicists and chemists. Include information about other events in history that happened around these key dates.  Create the timeline on a poster.   
7.  Another Idea (Approved by Mr. Sailer)   

A Layer (Choose One – 20 Points)
1.  Is the use of nanotechnology good or bad?   
2.  Is the process of creating new atoms good or bad?   
3.  Another Question (Approved by Mr. Sailer)