Craig Whitmore, Delano High School, California
Unit 2 Chemistry Basics: Atoms, Elements & Organic Molecules
NAME______________________ PER _____ TOTAL PTS _______
Grading Scale: 40=D 55=C 71=B 86=A
Section I. 65 points max. Must get 50 pts here to move to Section II.
1. Listen to the lecture on Cemistry Basics and take notes. (5 pts)
2. Fill in the worksheet on “Atoms & Elements”. (5 pts)
3. Fill in the worksheet on “Water”. (5 pts)
4. Draw & label an oxygen atom. (5 pts)
5. Fill in the CLOZE passage for this section. (5 pts)
6. Make flashcards for Vocabulary #2. (5 pts)
7. Make a 3-D model of a carbon atom. (10 pts)
8. Make a PowerPoint presentation about “Water” (at least 5 slides). (10 pts)
9. Make a poster about the “Biologically Important Elements”. (10 pts)
10. Make a crossword puzzle using 10 of the Unit #2 Vocabulary words. (10 pts)
11. Find a current event from a newspaper that relates to chemicals. Highlight the 5 most important sentences. (10 pts)
12. Fill in the Internet assignment called “Chem4Kids”. (10 pts)
13. Make up a 10 question quiz w/answers about “Chemistry Basics”. (10 pts)
14. Watch video on “the Periodic Table” and fill in questions. (10 pts)
15. Write an original story that involves atoms, elements, and/or organic molecules (at least 350 words = 1 page typed). (15 pts)
Section II. Choose one question to investigate and report on for 15 pts.
1. Which is more acidic: orange juice, Pepsi, or Taco Bell hot sauce?
2. Which is more dense: iron or aluminum?
3. Find food labels of 4 common foods you eat. Make a graph showing how much they have of each of the following: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and water.
Section III. Choose one question to research and write a report on for 15 pts.
1. Discuss the water supply problems for the San Joaquin Valley. Where do we get it? How much do we use? Why do we need so much water? What possible problems might we see in the near future?
2. Research desalinization as a method to supply fresh water to areas in drought. Is this a viable method? Where is it being used today? What are some benefits and some problems with desalinization?
3. Research & briefly explain the current thinking on the smallest particles of matter. Be sure to include the terms “string theory” and “quark”.
4. What is a “buckey-ball”? Who first synthesized it? What practical applications might such nano-sized spheres or tubes have in the future?
Section IV. Unit Quiz. Required for all students. 10 pts. ______